Now what?


New member
So, what do you do when you get to that remote camp site, get all unpacked, only to discover that you forgot your cleaning kit? No solvent, no patches, no lube, no ramrod, no jags, no nothing.
Well, patches can be made from underwear or a T-shirt.

You can make a "puller" from heavy string or better yet several loops of dental floss.

You could possibly make a rod out of a long, straight tree limb.


Automatic transmission fluid works wonders...


New member
Don't get your panties all in a knot. Guns are made to last, shoot the hell out of them and do the cleaning when you get home.
"More guns are ruined by cleaning them, rather than shooting them."

Brian Gibbons

New member
I like cleaning my guns

so I would use camp fuel as a solvent and bootlace as a pull-through. You remembered to bring camp fuel right?