Now this is just cool.


New member
When the AK-47 is your only real claim to fame, I suppose it follows that you will make a monument to it and it's designer, even though it is basically just a modified copy of a StG-44.

Interestingly that would be very near impossible to do in the "enlightened" USA. Libs would scream so hard against it that they would crap in their pants. I can hear it now...:rolleyes:

WHYYYYYYYY, WHYYYYYYY are you glorifying guns??!?! O...M...G... what the ###k is wrong with u people?!?!?! Why does it have a "high capacity" "banana clip"?!?!? We should be more like the "Euros".... blah blah blah... oh I don't feel so good...:barf:


New member
Cool. Never in the USA is right. The Russians have built some good stuff. For eg. they built the best combat aircraft in the world for a long time. In WWII they also built great tanks, which is where Kalishnakov started his design work--improving tank sights to kill Nazis.


New member
...even though it is basically just a modified copy of a StG-44.

Other than their general appearance and their conceptual use on the battlefield, can you explain how the AK is mechanically a derivative of the StG?

44 AMP

A little bit misleading

The building doesn't look like an AK 47, it just has some AK 47 features. I bet it would be easy to get in and out of, the doors would never jam. On the other hand, if you took the elevator to the 5th floor, you might get out on the 13th! And all the light switches would be hard to reach and difficult to operate!:D

and, of course the AK-47 is just a modified Stg 44, just look at them. IF you use the word modified to mean a different internal design.

I always did find it difficult to believe that Kalsnikov never saw the German gun before he designed the AK 47. They are different, but considering how closely the external resemblance is I always found that line hard to swallow. Maybe he never got to study the Sturmgewehr, that I can accept, but if he never saw one, it is a fantastic case of parallel evolution.


New member
When the AK-47 is your only real claim to fame, I suppose it follows that you will make a monument to it and it's designer, even though it is basically just a modified copy of a StG-44.

Hey, now--Russia also built the world's largest bell, largest cannon, largest tank, and largest nuclear bomb.


New member
So what you're saying is that the mag fed, gas over barrel tube configurations on the semi-auto development guns the Russians were building prior to the AK (and StG) like the Tokarev SVTs had no influence in the AK design, it was all StG?


New member
Not that the AK is a direct copy but the influences are pretty clear. Internal differences are evolutionary anyway. Just as we have ARs that have different internal workings. It is all in the advancement of the designs.

Yes, The Russians have many other claims to fame. They are not as commonly known as the AK is to general world populace at least.

From Wikipedia. Yeah> I know it is not infallible information, but...

Kalashnikov, who started as a self-taught-inventor, ascended to the prominent position of General Designer of small arms for the Soviet Army. After World War II, German gun designers including the famous Hugo Schmeisser and Werner Gruner, of the (MG 42) fame and a pioneer in the area of the sheet metal embossing technology, worked in his design bureau into the 1950s. In addition, a number of other German technicians and laborers were enlisted or coerced to work in the USSR under Kalashnikov.