Now that we are here...


New member
I was looking at the Roll Call thread.
SapperLeader, glad you made it , make sure the door is pulled to and not locked will you please - we may have some "others" arrive late. :p

I thought for the benefit of the new folks, and to re-aquaint with old we would toss around our Shotgun Experience.

Just starting, civilian only, military, LEO, Hunting, Competition or not using a shotgun yet and plumb curious about them.

- Me,

I started young with mentors learning to shoot. "Just what you did". Shotgun was a tool, very versatile tool for any game or protection need. Civilian, enjoys bird hunting, competed in skeet and other clay games. I had some mentors teach me some "defensive" uses. I have spent time teaching folks and enjoy that.
Older returning student now so I gave up competition, schedule conflicts and other priorites right now so I dont' get to do what I want to , or once did.

I still get out and play, hunt and teach. Many a time I have given lessons with a person indoors / within the confines of a garage, warehouse or somesuch and just used dry-fire to teach .

Kinda satisfying to have lady and daughter do this in the cold and wet of winter in the garage...dry- fire shooting "targets" taped to the wall, and the first time out the mom runs a 16 and the daughter a 18 in skeet.

Basic fundamentals learned and practiced correctly even without ever firing a live round-works!


New member
I started fairly young shooting shotguns on the farm and hunting. Shot competition registered skeet and did well with AA scores. I had the 'knack' to pick up just about any shotgun make or style and be able to use it well. Competition had to take a back seat for family and i'm lucky to get to shoot more than a 100 birds a month any more, but I can still hit most of them whether they be skeet, trap, or sporting clays. Not bad with a rifle or pistol either.


New member
Bout the same story as Kudu, but I started later. I did not pursue shotgunning at all until my early 20's, but I was a reasonably well seasoned competitive handgun and rifle shooter well before then. I shoot pretty well for my talent level :D :D .

Dave McC

Staff In Memoriam
Been shotgunning since the late 50s, and am starting to get a handle on it. Started out hunting and pasture clays. Developed some skills and became a firearms instructor for MD DOC while shooting a little 3 gun. Developed some methods of teaching shotgunning then, and still am working on those.

I think I've taken every legal species of game bird here in MD except turkey and rail. Also a fairtomiddlin' number of deer with slugs.

Got involved with trap a few years ago. Now shoot trap, wobble, 5 stand, skeet, and SC in varying amounts.