Now on The Twitter... putting out training tips, links, etc... Who do YOU Follow?

Rob Pincus

New member
About two weeks ago, I joined the Twitter... I think I've got it figured out and I'll be using it more and more to put out training tips, course announcements, links to relevant articles/videos and generally expressing opinions on issues (mostly) related to Personal Defense and Firearms Training. Follow me @PincusRob

For those of you also using the service, who do you recommend following from the Gun World and why ??

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MC 1911

New member
The only person I follow on Twitter is Emily Miller. She is an Editor with the Washington Times that did a story on getting a gun in DC. The name may sound familiar as she took your class several weeks ago.

She is fairly new to guns and shooting,but has progressed very nicely. Thanks to her efforts DC has relaxed the process in obtaining a handgun. She has also done several stories on Vets that have been screwed by the DC system.

Check out her Blog "Emily Gets Her Gun" for the links to her Twitter & Facebook pages.