Now (maby) 6 DEAD from the .223 shooter! (Rifle related subject)

What kind of weapon do you think it will be.

  • AR-15

    Votes: 5 15.2%
  • Bolt with scope

    Votes: 21 63.6%
  • Semi auto iron sights (ie. mini-14)

    Votes: 3 9.1%
  • Bolt W/O scope

    Votes: 1 3.0%
  • Somthing else that's not on list.

    Votes: 3 9.1%

  • Total voters
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New member
I just got done watching CNN coverage on the killings.

First off I cant remember a case whare thay came out in public with a list of weapons (maby) used in random acts of violence such as this. The media likes to "JAZZ" stuff like this up and use the words "assault rifle". Do you ever see. (ie. A man was killed last night from a robber. Cops found 9mm casings at the scene, and here's a list of possable weapons used. Glock 19X9 Mp5 MAC-10 etc. etc. etc.) I know I dont. Half of them jack asses there dont even know what an assault rifle is.

From what you guys tought me here at TFL. Lets use my rifle for an example. It looks like an assault rifle, but legaly it is not. Correct? Doesnt the media know an (ie. post bushmaster) is NOT legaly an assault rifle? But yet thay go on and on saying "assault rifle".

I have a bad feeling the media and the anti's are going to have a "HAY-DAY" with this one.:mad:

Personaly I think it will be a bolt action with a 4 to 6X scope. Head shots, long ranges. But, I'm not an expert, I guess we will just have to wait and see.

I do feel bad for the victoms and there families.:( I hope thay find who ever is doing this and HANG them from the nearest tree. I just dont understand what goes through a persons mind to, for no reason kill 5 people.

Chris W

New member
ooh, I'm sorry, I can't say it hasn't occured to me to wonder about this; but I just think it's messed up sensibilities to talk about it (or 'vote' about it) while people are living, and grieving, in fear right now. Moderators, I'd suggest you shut this off.


Jim March

New member
No, it IS worth talking about. With any luck, the investigators in MD will realize we probably have some decent guesses as to what's in play here.

I say it's a scoped boltgun. Probably 223 or similar (22Hornet, 222, *maybe* a 6mm, etc. Didn't Charter Arms just come out with a decent little boltgun for fairly cheap?

It *could* be a Center Contender or other good single shot, handgun or long.

Best guess: it got stolen in a house burglary, with little value in the criminal world it ended up in the hands of a couple of dweebs who've played Grand Theft Auto 3, and they started "messing around" with it. They took it somewhere private, figured out the scope well enough to get maybe 6" groups at 100yds and now they're out "having fun" :barf:.

CZ Gunner

New member
I'd guess some youngish sniper / "Rambo want to be" who is pissed off at the world.

Else, some self-appointed "terrorist want to be" doing it in the name of some wacko doctrine.

As far as my vote goes, I would say bolt action from some well thought out, pre-planned position(s).


P.S. Wanted to ask if you figured he got his ammo at Wal*Fart .. but figured that'd stir things up too much.


New member
Does it really make a difference? Find this kind of reporting very convienient considering that November 5th elections aren't far away. Although I highly doubted that the AWB of 94' was going to be repealed there was a chance of voting in some folks who could of turned the tide in the Senate.
We could at least of been someone confident that no "new and improved" gun legislation would be passed (on the federal level).
Now with this, and the media putting out all sorts of misinformation, by tommorow John Q. Public is going to look at anyone who not only has a rifle but knows how to use it as a potential "trouble-maker", "killer" and "thug".
The casket was built long ago, the media supplies the nails and the public duly hammers them home.
In another generation people will be turning in guns with an embarrassed look on their face. Glad to be relieved of the family "burden". Every year it has only gotten worse, not better.

:rolleyes: :rolleyes:


CZ Gunner

New member
Yup .. the Feds are probably "sniffing" this site now .. tracking all of you down and cross referencing your I.D.'s with your gun purchases for the last 100 years !

Hope none of you work for the Post Office, cause that'd be two strikes right off the bat!

David Park

New member
The reason they're talking about the weapons is because they don't have anything else to talk about, no description, no motive, maybe not even the right vehicle. There's only two ways to catch the shooters so far, either in the act or using a tip from friends/family/co-workers.

As for the shooters, I like Jim March's theory.


New member
Let's see... I own an AR-15 that's accurate to about 3/4" at 100 yards. A .22-250 that's good for about .35" at 100, and a .22 PPC that'll group in the teens if I can get my head outta my butt.

The rifles aren't the problem. I'm not the problem. The problem is that there's someone out there driving around and shooting people. They could be dragging people off the street with a lasso, and have the same effect.


New member
I can't put my finger on why but I don't like this thread. Maybe it's the morbid facination with guessing the instrument of death, but I'm not playing.


New member
I really, really don't want it to be, but I'm betting it's an AR15. Not good at all no matter what, but the last thing we need are more high profile murders with "assault weapons".

I'm also hoping it wasn't legally purchased...

I'm afraid any hope of the elections going well for MD gun owners has gone down the toilet in a major way as well.


New member
Why do so many of you say "who cares"?

If this wasnt an inportant subject why would it be on the news. It's a mistary. Who is doing this and why? What rifle are thay using? And why are thay doing this?

How is guessing what rifle is being used wrong or distastefull? I dont think it is at all. And if it is an AR-15, what do you think it is going to do for the future of the AR? None of us will know because nobody will have one. GET MY POINT?

Maybe it's the morbid facination with guessing the instrument of death, but I'm not playing.

Hay griz, Do you know that some peoples jobs are to find what weapon was used and who did it?

I guess you guys dont understand what this thread is about. Then agen most of you dont understand what my threads are about half the time any way. So... WHATEVER.:rolleyes:

One last comment. I love how every body likes to "jump on a ban wagon here". A few say one thing and every body jumps on and agrees.:rolleyes: Some of you need to learn to "think out of the box". And I know I am going to get HELL for this last comment, but it's the truth.

Marko Kloos

New member
OK, I am going to shut this one down, and here's why:

We, as gun owners, have to be selective about the image we portray...not only to fellow gun owners and non-gun people, but also to fence sitters. It's not off-topic to discuss which tool the assassin may be using, but it's in somewhat questionable taste at best. At worst, it may be used as an example how retrograde and tactless those "gun nuts" are, and that's not the primary focus of this forum. We're here to promote responsible firearms ownership, and the spirit of this thread is a wee bit conter-productive to that end.

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