Now is THE time to buy a J-frame


New member
I went to my local store last week to just browse around a little bit. I noticed they still had airweights on sale for $399.00. I paid too much for my 442 during the 08 election (at a different store) but did pick up a 637 back in may when they first started running the sale. However, it's even better now because S&W has a $50 rebate too. That means you can buy a new airweight for less than a Taurus or Ruger! I thought about getting a 638 just to round out the family but decided to keep saving for something else.

But now is a good time to buy a j-frame for certain!


New member
But now is a good time to buy a j-frame for certain!

If you mean, "Now is a good time to go online and buy an older J frame," I can agree. But there will never be a "good time" to buy a pig in the poke like an ILS equipped new S&W! I have a 640 Centennial and an M296 that both get carried and neither of them has an ILS.

I guess it's a "good thing" in the abstract that some gun owners were content to buy the crappy new design but I will never, never, never buy a S&W with a hole in the sideplate. I said it when they were introduced and I'm still in the same place. And I own a LOT of S&W's so you would think I would be sort of a "preferred customer."

I still believe some day things are going to change. I'll wait!



New member
I still believe some day things are going to change. I'll wait!

I was with that sentiment for long time,got a great deal on one of the "Classic" Mdl 57's.Nothing "Classic" about it,sharp edges on the forcing cone and some wierd discoloration in the bluing on the latch side of the frame,horrible case colors on the hammer and trigger.It was NIB for $719.00 less 20% on sale that day no transfer fees.It shoots very good but so does my Ruger Blackhawk for $217.00 in 1981.How hard is it drill a hole and pin the barrel or ream the cylinder for a recess ? That would be a "Classic".S&W couldn't even find it justified to make it nicer in other areas,they omitted what was considered "Classic" S&W's and still called them "Classic":mad:
No more new S&W's ever,I much rather have a good used revolver than anything new from Ruger or S&W.I just don't ever see the new stuff 100 years from now being worth a hoot,not so with any of the older guns.


New member
Nothing "Classic" about it,sharp edges on the forcing cone and some wierd discoloration in the bluing on the latch side of the frame,horrible case colors on the hammer and trigger.
LOL, but it still didn't stop ya from buying it...



New member
The PLASTIC framed Bodyguard.


I was looking at that 638 and cussing up a storm about it not being in the sale.

I'll check on that as well.



New member
The plastic framed Bodyguard looks like an abscess on a horses butt. With a boil on it.

I own a few pinned j-frames, 36s and 60s, and I did break down and buy my daughter a 442 without the lock.

Pinned j-frames are plentiful. They don't seem to have escalated in price quite as much as the K and N frame guns. If there is a bargain out there in the pinned S&W market, it is the Model 36.


New member
Yeah, my local dealer had them for 349.00... 299.00 after rebate. I'm still debating it....



New member
Here in my area,a local gun shop bought about 100 older j frame model 36 pieces from kansas law enforcement..I bought my 36 practically MINT save for some holster wear) from them for money I ever spent..was made in 1980..I will stick to older 36 j frames any time of the day..its my most frequently carried sidearm..for me..I'll take a steel frame gun any day over aluminum on a revolver..thats why I sold off my 637, and bought one of lock, and a proven piece...


I was looking at that 638 and cussing up a storm about it not being in the sale.

I'll check on that as well.

The wording stated BodyGuard 38, not 638, so I think your ok to get the rebate, but don't quote me on that.:D


New member
I looked at the Bodyguard. I guess it depends on what you want it for. The laser sight button is up high, in a weird place. Not practical for CCW for me.