Now I know why a local gun shop sided so quickly with S&W.


New member
Their recent newsletter says that they are the #1 Performance Center dealer in the country. (Green Top Sporting Goods, Ashland, Virginia) Oh well, I know other gun stores and other fishing tackle dealers. John


New member
This is my favorite gun and fishing tackle store also. Perhaps when they discover that there is no (make that ZERO) market for the S&W product, they will come around.


Moderator Emeritus
Did they sign an agreement with S&W?
If so, can kids still walk in without parent/guardian and buy fishing tackle?
If so, the way I read the agreement, they are in violation :)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!


New member
This is the first store that I have heard of, that has signed on. Let them know how you feel.


"To be wronged is nothing unless you continue to remember it."


Please boycot them in the mean time and let them know you have and why. They will come round much faster if they lose old established customers. We don't need any dealers supporting Smith right now.


We live in a time in which attitudes and deeds once respected as courageous and honorable are now scorned as being antiquated and subversive.

Rob Pincus

New member
A lot of guys I know were already boycotting that store for being over priced and arrogant.

When I moved into the area I got warned off about that place quickly. I was told they had excellent selection, but high prices and horrible customer service.

No loss for me.



New member
Time to find another gun store!!!
Visit this one one more time, and let them know that you are not a customer anymore.
Tell them why.
Also tell them that if they drop S&W from their inventory, you will shop there again.
Tell your new gunstore that you have moved your business to them because they do not sell S&W products. Tell all your friends to shop there too. Together, we can make this thing work!! :)

Defend the Constitution from the foreign threat!!!!


New member
Well, I bought a new pistol last week and went by there to tell them since they will no longer be carrying mouseguns or AR-clones. They sold the last of their Kel-tecs and didn't order any more so I went elsewhere. I still go by every week, just don't buy anything :) As far as their attitude - you have to know who to talk to, but they really aren't bad for as many yahoos as they have to deal with one right after another. I think the problems started when one of the Thalhimers bought the place. At least I assume he is from the family who owned that now defunct Richmond(Va.) institution, Thalhimer's Department Stores. If not, he is merchandising stuff like someone with a heavy retailing background and the ads cost $$. Oh well, later folks. John


New member
Go to Mechanicsville. I won't name the store . At least they treat you well Greentops are not friendly.


New member
I agree about the Mechanicsville store, and I also like the one on Hull St. Rd. and the one on Lakeside Ave. Who'd I miss? Oh, the one across from the State Police Headquarters with the indoor range behind it. John


New member
If Green Bottom signs on to the S&W agreement it will be no surprise to me. Several years ago they began denying they could order arms they did not stock unless it was for a LEO. After the '94 Crime Bill I can't remember seeing any new Colt Target Rifles on their rack. They have always been careful not to have any "scary" guns in their stock. It makes me ill to see a gun dealer dance politically correct. At least the dealer in Mechanicsville has not restricted their freedom to sell that which is still legal, but the prices? Only good deal that passes thru Richmond any longer is when there is a C&E show in Mechanicsville.