Now Here's a New One.


New member
Eagles are known to take lambs quite frequently, so a fawn is not a big stretch of the imagination. And hunting with eagles (or any bird of prey) is called falconry, and is generally covered in hunting regulations.

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
Somewhere on the Internet is a video of an eagle attacking and clubbing a yearling deer. Enough repeated strikes such that the deer finally went down. Lunch...


That's awesome. I think Golden Eagles are slightly bigger than Bald Eagles, taking a fawn is pretty awsome.

I wonder if the eagle was a butterfingers or if he dropped the fawn on the wires for some well-done venison.

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
COuntZerO, it might have been fatigue and weight limit. I've read guesstimations that around eight pounds is max for sustained carry.