Nothing says "Happy Mother's Day" like a new gun...


New member
Through the saga of what determining which gun my wife would like,

"Our" purchase arrived the other day.

SWAMBO declared it to be a wonderful Mother's Day gift, and I refuse to argue with her about the appropriateness of that one (have chocolate in reserve).

Sig Sauer P239 - 9mm CCP (concealed carry package - DA/SA, Night Sights, three magazines, holster and double magazine pouch) to which I affixed Hogue grips with finger grooves.


Apparently everything she wanted in her own firearm.

She's already planning our next trip to the range.

If Momma ain't happy, nobody's happy, and thankfully that's not the case here (for now)... ;)


New member
Great gift

We got my stepmother a CT lazer grip fro her LCP. Also a lot of ammo to practice with to zero it, and practice with it.
Also just to be on the safe side I am putting in a gold fish pond, with some very large gold fish in her orchid house while she is at the range with dad, just to be safe.


An old friend of mine used to buy his wife a gun for every holiday, and for all of her birthdays too. However, after awhile, she realized that he was actually buying the guns so that he could also shoot them.

She eventually filed for divorce.



New member
First outing = success

We went to the range yesterday, and put the P239 (and my P229) through their paces.

The Boss was very happy with her new gun and is looking forward to the next trip. I think she's figuring on at least once a month, which is fine with me. Maybe I should send *her* out hunting for ammunition. ;)

Of the approximately 75 rounds we shot through the P239, I took five of them (after she first had fired a couple of magazines through it), just to see how it was "feeling".

We were shooting 115 gr FMJ WWB, and it sure seemed to have a "crisp" feel to it (as opposed to my P229 in .40 S&W). Not "bad", just different. El Boss liked it fine, so I just kept my mouth shut and kept loading her magazines. Sorta as a "gift".

I presume there is "break-in" period?? I've never owned or fired a "brand spankin' new" gun before, so I have nothing to correlate this to...

The night sights were tested in the back yard the other night (gun completely unloaded/chamber cleared & checked twice/block wall for a backstop) and deemed most excellent.

As far as carrying concealed, no decision has been made on that, yet she has been contemplating where (places or locations) she could and/or would exercise her right to open carry, as is allowed (with some restrictions) here in AZ. But again, it's only hypothetical at this point.

I've given her copies of the relevant Arizona Revised Statutes regarding conduct with a weapon, and a copy of all of the legal information that they go through in a CCW class. The material is very well laid out, and she's going through it, page at a time, getting herself familiar with her responsibilities, restrictions, and liabilities.

I should probably take a lesson from her, in how to be a "better" gun owner. She's already corrected me on procedure in one instance, and I suppose if I keep going to the range with her, she'll find more to call me on.

I hate it when she's that much in the right... :p :)


New member
I had been bugging my wife to find out if there was anything special she wanted for Mother's Day. I got home from work about a week before Mother's Day and found a piece of paper on the desk in my study with a post-it note on the front. The note read "Can I have this PLEASE!!!" and the piece of paper was a print out of the Targetmaster page from STI's website. I ordered it the next day from Brazos Custom Gunworks and it will be here on the 19th. It's great having a wife who love's to shoot.

Uncle Malice

New member
Way to go Rescue2! I'm in Surprise, over here; but I work in Scottsdale. :)

I'm just starting to to get into the hobby myself. The girlfriend doesn't mind me having them "as long as I'm responsible"(but of course..). I would like to get her to go out with me though. I think she's a bit timid, but once she understood and used a gun in a safe and sporting manner, she might actually like it. We'll see! She was eyeballing the revolvers at my shop out here because she thinks semi-auto's are too big. I'll have her try an XD subcompact at the range. Who knows, maybe she'll end up with a .38 special!!

She knows about my Glock 23. I picked up my XDm-9 earlier in the week and my M&P 9c today after work that I have yet to inform her of. Not because she will mind me having them... but because I need to decide how to justify $1,200 in firearms in 1 week! lol.


New member
I love hearing happy stories.

There is nothing quite like going shooting with your wife and both of you having fun there, now is there?

Please keep us updated, and pay attention, she may be gaining on you! :D


New member
I presume there is "break-in" period?? I've never owned or fired a "brand spankin' new" gun before, so I have nothing to correlate this to...
People differ on this but pistols are machines. Put 100 to 150 FMJ through the gun and another 50 or so of the intended defense ammo. If no problems, she's GTG.


New member
This could grow...

Nice work! Isn't it easier to make 'em happy when you don't have to rely on "subtle" hints as to their desires??

(clue to the ladies, subtle hints DO NOT ALWAYS WORK with the male species. guys = dense some times...)

Uncle Malice,
My wife was uncomfortable with my P229 (too fat) and had never fired a handgun before she took an hour of one-on-one training from JR at Caswell's.

She handled a few there, just to find something that fit her hand better, and then got over the "intimidation" of the gun itself, while under the tutelage of JR. It ran $40 for the instruction, and another $25 (roughly) for ammunition and targets. Very much worth it, in my mind.

He showed her how to handle, grip, sight, and fire the pistol, all the while reinforcing the safety aspects.

After that minor investment, she was now mentally and physically prepared to go further into the realm of handguns...

If you haven't gone to Kathy Jackson's (PAX here on TFL) site, do so, and share it with your girlfriend. Tons of great info there!!!

This *IS* fun, and she's starting to get interested in shooting some long guns. We talked about it, and she believes that she'll get a kick (and personal satisfaction) out of longer distance shooting. I think she will, too...

As far as her gaining on me, or surpassing me in shooting, it doesn't bother me in the least. As long as she's having a good time (safely), and expanding her knowledge and abilities, I'm all for it.

She probably feels the same way about me flailing away in the kitchen. I'll have to ask...

Thanks for the input. That was kinda what I was thinking, but a little confirmation is always nice.


New member
Never had to "break-in" my 239. Bought it, gave it an initial clean/lube, then went out and put a couple hundred rounds thru it. Haven't had any troubles at all.