Note to self.....


New member
.....Don't tumble .45 ACP and 9mm Luger in the tumbler together, unless you want to spend the rest of th eevening pulling them apart with needle nosed pliers :rolleyes: :D


New member
.45 ACp and .38spcl also do not mix well in the tumbler. I wish I had seen this post before I tumbled mine together. I didn't need pliers to get them apart, but it took awhile to get them all seperated.

Keenan Goss

New member
I have done that twice .40 w/ 9mm, and I will still continue to do it. I dont learn from mistakes. I dont have enough brass to force myself to tumble them seperate.


New member
Made that mistake once myself, with .44mags and .40 S&Ws. a .40 case will fit into a .44 mag case and be almost totally invisible until you run the .44 through the sizing die, effectively crimping the .40 in permenantly. Even if you catch the error before the die does it's a pain in the a$$ to pull one out


New member
.44 Mags slide nicely into .500 S&W,,,,add a little tumbling media and the wedge in there real tight......

Thanks for letting me know I'm not alone.....


New member
I just started tumbling now that I am starting to reload again.

Boy I wished you had posted that the day before yesterday, I made the same mistake last night by throwing all my brass from my recent trip to the range. 9's,38/357/45's.
I spent part of last night seperating them. Now have to retumble them again.


New member
And don't use crushed corn cob from the pet store to tumble .22-250Rem. The chunks are too big and are almost impossible to get out of the case. What a nightmare that was. I'm still trying to figure out a way to grind this stuff down smaller. I have 50lbs of this stuff!
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I found the same thing with the corncob from the pet store and switched to the Lizard Litter (ground walnut).Its alot smaller and works fine.


New member
Meat grinder huh... might have to try that. I've also thought about a blender, but my wife doesn't like that idea too well LOL. I tried finding that lizard litter, but either they don't sell it, or I just can't find it. I asked a few of the teenie boppers working in there if they had it. I would have had better luck asking one of the animals LOL.

44 AMP

My advice

Only tumble one caliber at a time. Trust me on this one, 35 years reloading, and I've never made the same mistake twice. But I have made most of them once!:D

I always sort my brass before tumbling, and then again afterward. Before is by caliber, and after is by case and headstamp. Helps keep frustration down. It may seem like a lot of extra work, but spend a couple of hours getting 9mms out of .45 cases and you will understand exactly what I mean.

And here's a tip, don't waste your money on a "media separator". For less than 5 bucks you can get a plastic bucket and a colander (for draining pasta) at the grocery store. Put the colander in the top of the bucket (matching sizes when you buy them makes it easy), dump the tumbler in, shake/stir gently. Media winds up in the bucket, cases stay in the colander. No mess, no fuss, no bother.


New member
I avoid all of the aforementioned, as well as tumbling 41 and 357 magnum. They look to dang much alike. Also, 357 and 38sp, same reason.