not sure why Ohio is so gun unfriendly

American Eagle

New member
Ohio is becoming very liberal as far as guns go. I think it has to do with people from New England moving to Ohio due to the high taxes in the North East. These people come from anti-gun states...and carry those ideas with them. It's just a matter of time before Ohio becomes the California of the East, though I think New Jersey and Massachusetts are so bad that they will always compete with Ohio for the title of "California of the East."

I'm glad Florida is slowly becoming very gun friendly. My state has come a long way in the past decade or so....and is now one of the most gun friendly states in the south.

But just to show you how messed up the New England mentality is, on Tuesday I was talking in front of the local cigar lounge with a guy who had just moved to Florida from Massachusetts. A friend of mine came up for a smoke and asked me whether I had gotten than S&W Model 64 I had been telling him about earlier. I told him that I was carrying it on me....and the guy from Massachusetts got very uncomfortable all of the sudden and said he had to leave. About 10 minutes latter two local cops came to the cigar shop saying that someone had made a report that there was a person with an illegal gun on him. I showed the cops my CCW and explained what had happened. We all had a good laugh, and I treated both cops to a cigar. I saw the new guy from Massachusetts back at the shop 2 days latter (yesterday) and he was shocked to see me (I guess he thought I'd be in jail.) I explained to him that this is the south and it is perfectly legal to carry guns with a permit, so if he's going to live in Florida he better get used to it.

If am not mistaken, in Massachusetts you need a permit just to carry any gun in your vehicle for whatever reason, so taking your gun to the range without a permit could be a felony. :eek::eek:
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New member
he doesn't seem like a friend, that's for sure. 'man with a gun call' like instinct, lol...maybe he just didn't know better afterall.

in Mass there are two CCWs: a Class A and a Class B. Basically, you need a Class A or you are screwed for CCW purposes. I believe you need it for regular car carry too. Yeah, the gunshine state is nice. I respect FL. They have some tough laws and try to do their best with seems they have a lot to deal with throughout various parts of the state.

I read what you said about NJ and Mass and I hear what you're saying. My thing though - at least in mass - I feel like the law would back you up or at least respect you if you were within the limits of the law. Ohio - on the other hand in just in my opinion or perhaps my perception - seems to not respect the laws, and various people try to delve into this grey area to suit their fashion which seems a little ridiculous. A cop might give someone a hard time when he is completely legal because he doesn't agree with CCW. This is just one example, and I am not basing it on specific incidents. It just seems like they feel they can try to "read" the laws whichever way they want...

In mass a man with a gun call would happen, but the law would be respected if it was lawful. now NJ, I'm gonna leave that one alone...


New member
Most of what you read negatively comes from the population centers and/or the Democrat heavy areas: Columbus, Cincinnati, Toledo, Cleveland, Youngstown, etc.

It also stems from a "first step" CCW law that was perforated with all sorts of ignorance just to appease certain elements in order to get the first law passed. Since then, calmer heads have seen that the blood didn't run 6 inches deep in the streets, . . . and many of the original garbage rules have been removed :):D

What you have seen is a very tactful, entrenched, populace which has evaluated the evidence and seen that most if not all of the "Brady Bunch" rhetoric is at least ignorant, . . . and sometimes borders on the lunatic side.

As of today, . . . we now have a pretty good set of "common sense" rules governing CCW. No, . . . it's not perfect, . . . but it beats the heck out of California, Illinois, New York, New Jersey, . . . just to mention a few, . . . not that I am a name dropper or anything.

Oh, yeah, . . . the link you showed, . . . it is just an example of the news media pandering to Columbus' version of Obama, . . . mayor Coleman. He is a full fledged, knuckle dragging neanderthal liberal. One thing fully predictable about him though, . . . if the question he is pondering has an intelligent answer and liberal answer, . . . he'll always fall down the liberal stairs.

May God bless,
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New member
Yup, restaurant carry goes into effect today. So, CountZero, to address a previous post you had in the "where can't you carry guns" question: I CAN carry my gun in a strip club:) But I probably won't.

Although despite the law going into effect, I am guessing that many restauranteurs will simply post the legally binding no gun signs, making the bill's passage pretty much a moot point.

But, as Dwight stated, these efforts are primarily focused on the more urban population centers. Heck, this just happened a few days ago and no one in the local area batted an eye about the concealed carry initiative - shooter was NOT carrying legally.


New member
Guns in bars.

Yeah, how do you know if someone in a bar has a gun?

This video is from Route 66 bar in Toledo. It occurred long before today's Restaurant Carry went into effect. Do you think ANY of THEM had Concealed Carry Permits?
Well, I've always thought that Ohio is very gun friendly :confused: But I guess that I do live in a rural area. We always have a large number of gun shows and events throughout the state. Metropolitan areas are always going to be anti-gun for the most part no matter where they are.


New member
I live just across the Ohio River in Kentucky and while Ohio has some pretty silly CCW laws, they are starting to correct them with some common sense measures. I'd say they are a far piece from being gun unfriendly.


Ya know, a lot of people from the north east and California are and have been moving to Texas in recent years. I would wonder about their impact... but then I realize that there are still FAR more Texans than US and Yankee immigrants combined.

Colorado, on the other hand, also getting a lot of immigrants from California, well, we'll see about that one. At least Wyoming is just up the road.


New member
A buy permit is not required in don't have to register your guns in Ohio.....that doesn't sound anti-gun to me.


New member
but then I realize that there are still FAR more Texans than US and Yankee immigrants combined

But what about the goat-ropers who have been adversely influenced?:)

Ohio has some pretty silly CCW laws

We really do, however, as the streets have not run red with blood in the past 7 years, the laws do seem to be approaching common sense.


New member
We really do, however, as the streets have not run red with blood in the past 7 years, the laws do seem to be approaching common sense.

Sometimes it seems to come off in the media that the media and police don't respect the laws though.


New member
Sometimes it seems to come off in the media that the media and police don't respect the laws though.

For the most part I think the police are ok with it, at least in the northeast. The media is just the media - they say and report whatever will sell papers and make people watch and react. Such is a free press.

I linked the story in another thread, but back when they cut funding for the sheriff's department a county judge in Ashtabula actually said in a press release for county residents to get armed up.


New member
It seems to me that Ohio contains a striking mix of both urban and rural populations with the typical opposing attitudes about firearms. It only makes sense that when two groups of people with opposing ideas live in such close proximity to each other, they will clash more often. FWIW, Pennsylvania seems to be much the same way.