Not shooting directly, but nasty

Hunter Rose

New member
I recieved this from the president of another BACA chapter (see my sig, "No Child..."). Although I can't see this IMMEDIATELY causing trouble for shooters, it could get pushed. PM or email me, and I'll send you the letter files...

>Attached are four (4) letters, two letters one addressed to the House and one addressed to the Senate regarding the Patriot Act, one letter addressed to the House regarding H.R. 970 and one letter addressed to the Senate regarding S. 155.

These are NASTY BILLS. DO NO BE FOOLED!! If passed they will have a direct effect on your right to ride!!

The Patriot Act letters are self explanatory, but I will paraphrase H.R 970 and S. 155.....You can read them in their entirety at or type in each bill in Google and read the bill.


H.R. 970 and S. 155 are bills to increase and enhance law enforcement resources committed to investigation and prosecution of violent gang crime, to deter and punish violent gang crime, to protect law abiding citizens and communities from violent criminals, to revise and enhance criminal penalties for violent crimes.

Great right...WRONG!!! Read the bills. Each bill classifies a gang as three or more individuals wearing "colors" to promote, solicit, or engage in a crime...any crime. In the Bills it is a crime to solicit membership as well.

How does this effect me you ask.....BACA = Three or more members. Crime = how about a cowboy officer reading our Mission Statement "We do not condone the use of violence or physical force in any manner, however, if circumstances arise such that we are the only obstacle preventing a child from further abuse, we stand ready to be that obstacle" This can be seen as solicitation of a crime and should we become that obstacle we have committed the crime by definition in these bills.

Over reacting, no. BACA California has had two member already pulled over and harassed. One was wearing his patch in Alaska and when the Officer called in to his dispatch he said "we have a member of a know California Gang!"

One piece, three piece it does not matter. Trust me when they are done with the larger 1% clubs, they will come after all clubs and/or organizations, They will not want to loose the funding once they receive it!

I can go on and on with stories, but I ask you after you read the bills, fill out the letters and mail them to Richard Lester's office. Mr. Lester will keep the second page to track the letters and send on page one to the applicable member.


Each Letter:
Must be a registered voter. If not registered, get registered!

* Find the name of your Senator and Congressmen. Place that name on the applicable line.
* Find your District number and place that on the applicable line
* Date the letter
* PRINT your name on the line in the last paragraph
* SIGN you name


* Fill out your name and address on the lines given
* Mail both pages of all four letters to the address given.

Please don't delay, time is of the essence here.

Thank you!