not new to loading 357... but thinking hotter & heavier in my GP-100...

I load a lot of 38's & 357's... even 357 Maximum... I'm thinking my 4" stainless GP-100 357 needs a new load... I used to shoot mostly medium loads in it, however after getting a pair of Vaqueros, they can shoot the cowboy stuff... the S&W can shoot the medium stuff, & I'll load specifically for the GP-100... I've always heard they are super heavy duty...

assuming I can load at published maximums for a steady diet in the Ruger... I'm thinking 180 grain & heavier cast / gas checked bullets at near published max...

anyone got suggestions on what has worked well for them???


New member
I would think it's about cylinder mass and wall thickness as much as anything. And, well, what kind of pounding your hands will allow you to impart.

To that end, I can't imagine that your GP-100 can handle anything that my 686 would not... and my Model 28-2 would enjoy it even more, although it happens to be limited by cylinder length.

If you want the ultimate bruiser .357 Mag, it'd be either a single action Freedom Arms or a double action Redhawk.
I'm not looking to squeeze out the absolute most power, just have a good warmer load the gun can handle... if I were trying to get the most out of that bore, it would be with the Dan Wesson in 357 Max...

I'm thinking 180 - 190 grain "warm" loads, but within the strengths of the Ruger, where it won't shoot loose in 500 rounds...

some might say "original" 357 magnum load levels... as the current books seem to be a lot softer in the load department than some of my "vintage" manuals

BTW... has Ruger Chambered the Redhawks in the past in 357 Magnum??? a quick glance at their website in both standard & distributor exclusives doesn't show anything in 357... ( hmmm... a quick check of Gun Broker shows 2 in 357 for sale ) though as long as I am in 357's right now, buying another is not likely, & the Stainless GP-100 was my 1st handgun, so i'm not likely to trade that towards a Redhawk :eek:
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New member
Missouri Bullet Co. 158gr SWC 18 BRN (skip the gas ckecks) over 16gr of 296/110 is a very warm, clean shooting accurate load that is well within published data, very economical, and will give you the desired effect you are looking for.

These are my economical hunting immitation loads I practice with in my 6" GP100.

I also get similar velocity over 8.0gr Unique, but they don't give me that magnum recoil and fireball I'm looking for. :)


New member
MWM:...... A couple loads I have had for my 4" GP100 are: [AND THESE ARE FOR MY GP100 AND 6" DW MOD.14 ONLY].

160gr SWC [Yellowstone Casting BH22... Now Out of Business] over 18.0gr/H110 for 1486 FPS in the DW and 1430 in the GP100. (cylinder gap in the DW was wider than the GP's and the GP's barrel is mirror-smooth).

158 XTP over16.6/ H110 for 1342 in the DW and 1345 in the GP (go figure on that).

180 XTP over 16.0/H110 @ 1.576"+/- OAL. (My GP100 Hog Load) [The only other person to use this load was a friend], who did so at his own risk, and with his 4" Mod.19, dropped a 375#boar at about 10yds....(His figures-not mine) with one round through the upper right chest on a slightly quartering frontal shot. Didn't really believe him at first, but I loaded only 50 rds. for him and he still had 49 left in the box. Upon dressing it out, there was only one wound channel, and the bullet was found partially in the left-side last rib next to the hide. Never got a chance to chrono it, but who cares? It works.

The same load with Rem 180gr @1.650" OAL fits in the GP100 with room to spare and both loads alternated in the cylinder go into 4-1/2" @ 25yds from a solid rest. It's my deer load, as it expands more with a little less penetration
than the XTPs, but still through-and-through on deer.

Got a few more in the high 1360s-mid 1420s w/140gr and H110 that have worked on deer. Anything within 25-30yds+/- of the stand is fair game with any of the loads.

Sorry to run-on so, but the GP100, like the SKS, gets my juices flowin'

WILL, just WILL.
thanks WILL... I have used XTP's quite a bit in the past, & they work well on deer ( I still have some loaded for my 10" Contender... warm 45 Colt loads... make my knuckle bleed if I shoot it 3-4 times :) )...

I'm actually hoping I can use a commercial cast bullet ( to save me the time ) I may buy a 100 GC & 100 plain based in a wide flat nose profile to try, in the 180 - 190 grain weights
I'm also wondering if I can find my original box & factory grips... I have an old set of Pachmayr finger groove grips, & while they are pretty comfortable to shoot with normal loads, they are pretty narrow, & expect warm loads will bite a little :)


New member
The .357 chambered Redhawk was produced only for one year and it is a massive beast.

As for Dan Wesson revolvers...
I don't have a .357 Max but both my Dan Wesson .357's use the same HKS speedloader as the Model 10/19, S&W K-frame, which is a smaller pattern than the 686/L-Frame. I think (but am not sure) that the 686 & GP-100 are similar enough that they use the same "586" speedloader.


New member
I have been researching a hog load for my 4" GP100 also. I picked up 100 of the Cast Performance 180gr. WFNGC. For powder I will be using 2400. I hope to start working up a load this week sometime. I will let you know how they work out if you are interested. Load data just for a general idea with this combo would be welcome...:)
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New member
MAG: pass kinda beat me to this time. Don't know if he was using the C-P WFNGCs or not, but in the GP100 with the same load as the XTPs and REMs, they're devastating [for me], on med. size hogs and deer. Have yet to recover any bullet, as I prefer straight side/chest shots on game unless no other option.

One of the few times I was offered a straight-on frontal shot, I didn't know who was the most surprised...the buck or me. I was sitting up against a tree waiting for the light, misty rain to stop when he came trotting up outta nowhere, and just stopped at about 10-15yds and stomped and snorted. Retrieving the 100 from a GI-stamped cross-chest holster w/the retaining strap lengthened about I-1/4", I took a quick aim at his chest and pulled the trigger. His legs folded under and it was then, when I started to get up, that I saw the dyed-green wad soaked in [Doe-in-Heat] tied to my boot, and the buck had come up the same trail I had....Nose to the ground.

Clean-through and out the back, ruining a good part of one ham with bone fragments galore, the C-P 180gr literally tore up everything from stem to stern. Just about the messiest job from a pistol-shot deer I had ever seen. Gag reflex suppression didn't work on that one, come dressin'-out time.

There isn't much one of those C-P 180s won't do on game. I've got a new 8" barrel for the DW 14 waiting to try some on. And I want to see just how much difference in velocity closing the cylinder gap will make when the barrel is screwed down to zero clearance against the cylinder face.....Just another wild-a$$ed thought from an old self-confessed reprobate.

Will; just WILL.