Not In Kansas Anymore

roy reali

New member
The famous line from the Wizard of Oz. This thread is for anyone that has moved from a gun restrictive state to a gun freedom state recently. It could be from New Jersey to Texas, or from New York to Arizona, or from California to Nevada.

Describe the differences that you are seeing. Is it a major difference or do you hardly notice the differences. Let me give you some of my examples.

I moved from the Golden State to the Silver State almost five years ago. The differences in gun laws and attitudes are as different as night and day. I go into a Nevada gun store and see all manners of EBR's on the rack for sale. Magazine capacity? Whatever you can afford. Waiting period? No longer then filling an order at a fast food joint.

I take my dogs for walks with an open carry six-gun on my hip. Police and Sheriff have crossed my path and never even had a second look from them. A friend invited us to her son's high school graduation. The speeches mentioned hunting and guns in a positive light. This is in a high school auditorium. Having a gun show-and-tell at our local doughnut shop is common. The owner, the LEO's, the customers do not bat an eye.

I'm definately not in California anymore.

So, for you movers and shakers, how is it going?


Roy - I know what you're saying - I went from NYC through various moves to GA, TX, CO, ND and wound up in northern NV - our local drug store sold guns, booze, and meds - all at once, with no waiting for anything...........but the best was the ability to put a "for sale" ad in the paper - something that here, in FL is strictly "verboten" because the NYT owns the paper.

I DO miss the wide open public lands to go shooting, hunting, camping, etc.......(I just don't miss the snow!)

T B Good

New member
I moved from CA to WA. Got a CPL asap. Not a problem.
Guns are NOT hidden behind counters. Prices a little better.


New member
Moved to Louisiana from Germany. Day and night transition from draconian gun laws (a deadly firearm is defined as anything launching a projectile at 150 ft/second or greater, to include paintball, airsoft and potato guns as well as bows and arrows) to "would you like a glock with that?"


New member
I became a gun-nut in Israel. Oddly enough, the gun laws there are pretty strict as to carry licenses and ammo purchases. However, most people seem to have a way around the worst of the restrictions. Lots of schools and businesses provide weapons, and there's always someone in your "circle" who can get plenty of ammo. Now I'm in PA and basking in the glory of few weapons restrictions. My big "shock" moment in Israel was while waiting in a bank line on my way home during IDF basic that I had an M16 over my shoulder. I haven't tried that in Philly yet.