Not good news for Ron Paul


New member
The The Jewish Defense League is to Judiasm what the "Christian Identity Movement" is to Christianity.

The JDL is nothing but a racist group preaching hatred of non Jews.



New member
I do find it very odd seeing Ron Paul's name in the same list with losers like Gary Condit.
I don't think he is anti Israel. It is more like anti foreign involvement.
Remember, even though he holds his house seat as a Republican, is also runs for pres as a Libertarian.
Not all of the two parties veiws are the same.


New member
What were the key points of the resolutions?

I don`t know, I have made a search and can not find anything. It was a resolution on May 2, 2002 that supported Israel.

I will e- mail or better yet call Ron Paul and ask some of the w`s Why and What was in the resolition and Were I can find the resolution.

This, I should have done before my post.


New member
Thanks Oleg, but I have already written "e-mail" Kent Snyder the Executive Director Of The Liberty Committee that Ron Paul is the Hon. Chirman of and ask for some more information.

Since I posted this thread and still want more answers.Your answers cleared up some question but I still want clarafication "sp" so everyone knows what the resolution was. I have no doubt at all that Ron was just defending the Constitution as was written as he has forever, but his district was split this year so he has to battle a bunch of Democraps that were not in his district before.

One of my thoughts about this is,
if the jewish community got together and donated $ to defeat Cynthia MacKenney and her father, yes they are Socialist and maybe Communists"sp". If the jewish people see Ron as anti-jewish, he may be next. That would be a Sad day for Freedom for them and the rest of us.

Well, we will wait and see if he over comes the new district that has more Democraps in it. I hope any of you reading this will send him a couple dollars.

I will post any response that I get from Kent Snyder.

Byron Quick

Staff In Memoriam
Well, it's like this. Ron Paul is a Libertarian who has been elected as a Republican. His votes in Congress reflects the Libertarian Party platform almost perfectly.

The Libertarian Party platform does not endorse ANY foreign entanglements...including Israel.