Not expecting anything...


New member
But I'll give it a try.

Local gun store sent out a newspaper insert this week advertising that Saturday (tomorrow) they would sell Remington 525 bricks of 22 Long Rifle ammo for $19.99. No mention of limit on purchases. I figure either they will have 3 boxes in stock and it was a trick to get traffic in the store or the first guy in line will buy all they have. Still plan to run over at opening time mostly out of curiosity. But if I can grab a box or two I will do it.

4 Paws

New member
Good luck but I think you're right, odds of picking up a couple bricks at that price are pretty slim.

Closing The Gap

New member
It's interesting that a LGS would run that ad and sale on the same day that a national chain is running the very same ad. Gander Mountain has the same sale(price and ammo) on the same day listed in their current flyer.


Apple iPhone 5s....

I bet there will be some mad scrambles & donny-brooks like when the Apple iPhone 5s went out. :D
Really, those prices seem very fair. I would go early. I saw a few "horror story" videos on youtube about .22LR.

This post reminds me of a Wall Street Journel article I read in the late 1990s about a toy store that was going to sell a limited edition Luke Skywalker in his Hoth outfit action figure. The small retail shop had to hand out 14 coupons to the first customers who were waiting in line to buy the figure!
Die hard Star Wars fans started waiting in front of the toy store at 600am.