Nosler e-Tips...any tips


New member
I just loaded some .277 - 130gr. Nosler e-tips for my first go 'round with them. (for use in my .270WSM )

Accuracy is my goal, of course... and I think I might be hunting with them, if the accuracy part is satisfactory.

Since they were 130s, I just used some proven 130 loads that have worked well in my .270 WSM.

Having shot them this morning, they seemed pretty good, despite playing with different OALs at this point. Some groups

My question is....Has anybody learned any quirks or valuable tidbits about the bullets?

Likes? Dislikes?

Again... accuracy is my goal.
Since I already bought some, I guess Nosler must have convinced me on the "absolutely lethal & fan friggin-tastic " part. :D