North Idaho Shooters-Farragut Range Expansion Comments

Al Norris

Moderator Emeritus
I read that thread Brian. So it's true, then. Northern Idaho is being inundated by Kalifornicators who are bringing their Kalistani ideals with them! How long before the area becomes blue? :eek:


New member
Unfortunately, Antipitas is correct. We are seeing more and more liberals coming in. My town/county is pretty much entirely blue. I guess that's the price of having two major universities within 8 miles of each other (WSU and UI). Most of the rest of Idaho is still red, but becoming less so.


New member
Well, CDA is turning into a major "destination resort" and bringing lots of dollars, as well as lots of Californians. Still, Kootenai and Bonner County are heavily red. Twycross, Moscow has the dubious honor of behind home to UofI, like most state run centers for liberal brainwashing, it draws its share. On the other hand, naturally the university brings lots of youth. As they say if you aren't liberal at 20, you don't have a heart..if you aren't conservative by 25 you don't have a brain.

Some of the sentiment in the link is just NIMBY, but there obviously much more than that. The park covers several square miles (I don't have data, but would guess from the perimiter that its about 5 x 5 miles or so.



New member
Yeah, the UI is a big factor, but even if it were closed down and the students left, Moscow would probably still be blue. For some reason, all the aging hippies see it as the ideal place for retirement.:(


New member
Twycross, I hadn't noticed that you had U of I as your location, sorry. Best of luck in your studies, sounds like you have quite a program of study in the works. I'm one of those that missed out on the "liberal at 20" part, one of the offshoots of an engineering program :). Then got introduced to the works of Ayn any remaining fuzzy ideas out of my head (though it didn't help the grades).

From everything I've heard, it sounds like you are spot on with the aging hippy population. Suprised they aren't over in Pullman instead :)



New member
Moscow has the dubious honor of behind home to UofI
It is indeed a dubious honor.:D :barf:

Oh well. They have a good Microbiology program. :)
Suprised they aren't over in Pullman instead
There is a definite cultural difference between the two towns. I'm not sure of the cause, but Pullman is a much more 'sophisticated' city.