Norinco SKS - Should I buy one?


New member
Local gun shop has a nice looking one for $250. I'm basically a hand gun guy (ex cop) so don't know much about rifles and am on a budget, therefore AR-15's would put a serious crimp in same.

Is the SKS a good shooter? And what should I be on the look out for in terms of flaws or problems.

chris in va

New member
Not a bad way to go really if you're looking for a 7.62x39 shooter. Still allows detachable mags. Not all the extra 'junk' like on the Yugo's. Just understand mounting optics or sights is problematic. Get the firing pin return spring to prevent slam fires.

I sold my Yugo and bought a Saiga, been very happy with it.


Get it..why not. I sold my Chine SKS way back (only paid 90.) I do have 2 Yugo's which is a much better SKS in my opinion, more accurate with the heavier barrel and not hand crafted one at a time. But then I got my Yugos a few years back when they were in better shape.


New member

I have had a Norinco for about ten years. I bought it for the same reasons that you mention (ended up buying an AR-15 in any case). It has been a good shooter - reliable, easy to care for. It is "military accurate", not nearly on a par with the accuracy of an Hbar but certainly functional. I use mine only at the range and as an option for HD (in rural PA). No semi-auto rifles or pistols allowed for hunting in PA, so I can't use it for that.


New member
I have a Norinco paratrooper

I got it primarily for hog hunting. It's a lot of fun to shoot, ammo is cheap, and it's pretty accurate out to 100 yards. 250 is a fair price IMO.


New member
Thanks everyone for your replies. I've learned from them.

Bogie: good question. Primarily for HD, the range just for fun, and javelina hunting. Actually, I do have another rifle, but it's a Henry Golden Boy lever action .22 WMR and if you shot a javelina with it, it would just **** the critter off (but works great with rabbits).

I did realize - after looking closely at the SKS - that it wouldn't be suitable for a scope. The Henry isn't either. You don't want to be drilling holes in that beautiful receiver.

Some day I might want to put together a sniper rifle on the cheap. Possibly a Mauser with a scope?


New member
Some day I might want to put together a sniper rifle on the cheap. Possibly a Mauser with a scope?

If you're going to go the military surplus route, consider a K-31. Accuracy worthy of a scope.
If you ever hear anyone say the following send me a PM so I can put it down in the record books:
"This POS SKS was a waste of my money."
The rifle is cheap, the ammo is cheap, wood stocks are classy, "more accurate than an AK."

Everyone I have let fire my K31 the last few months loved it. The straight pull bolt is wonderful and the recoil is sheepish for a cartridge which ballistically mimics a 30-06. I have not had mine out past 50 yards so I can't attest to accuracy, but the reputation is certainly there. If only I could get a sporter stock so I wouldn't worry about damaging the original. Some come with issue troop tags in the buttstock which increase the value now by about $10. I expect them to be much more collectable in the future.

You could pick up nice specimens of both of these rifles for less than an AR15.

King Ghidora

Norinco is probably the best SKS for detachable mags. Best accuracy is probably the Yugo or the Russian. The Chinese stuff isn't horrible but it certainly isn't great.

If you want a great budget gun for range shooting or hunting I'd say buy a used Savage. If you want to reel off round after round get a Norinco. I don't see the point of trying to get a real accurate SKS myself because none of them compare to a Savage. I paid $230 for a 30.06 Savage in VG condition. If I do my part it can shoot sub MOA (one inch at 100 yards) groups. You can see a target I just shot from 40 yards with my Savage here. The one shot to the right was before I made an adjustment to my scope (I had kicked it out of zero the night before). The other hole had 3 bullets go through it.

No way my SKS shoots that accurate. But it isn't terrible or anything and it will certainly throw lots of lead down range. I've had mine about 15 years. I've never had a problem with it and I've fired thousands of rounds through it. In fact you can see a video of me shooting my SKS with a detachable mag here. Lots of folks say SKS's won't work with detachable mags. This is my proof they do. There are dozens of videos on YouTube that show they will including this one.

An SKS is a good investment and lots of fun to shoot. Ammo is cheap enough so you can shoot it without breaking the bank and it will certainly hold off a small army of BG's if need be.


If you get the SKS...a scope is a waste of money with a top cover mount. I know i did it.

then you didnt fit the new mount right.

a new mount will not fit on the rifle, you will have to file it down to fit.
if you over file, it will be sloppy and not hold center.

i've never had a problem with mine. it makes for a great 100yard shooter.

i love my bubba sks.
it's a "chinese security forces" model with a "dragunov" stock, tapco 20rnd mags, a 4x14 scope and a bipod. it's never jammed, and i'd put it's accuracy up against a mini 30 any day of the week

i have 4 other sks's, all original.... but they are for looking at, the bubba is for shooting ;)


A SKS was not made to target shoot.

neither was my ar15, or my 1911, or my bolt action 30-06, or remington model 700, etc etc etc

yet i still take them to the range weekly and have an absolute blast :cool:

technically, i think my ruger MKIII is a target model... that alone would make for a boring range trip though


New member
minute of car door . dont expect anything bettern about a 5 inch group at 100 yards. Seriously. I dont care what flak i get or what pictures get posted after mine. 5 inches is about the average SKS. You can get a Saiga for bout that, convert it to AK format for about 200 bucks , and have a nice gun, you built. comply with 922.


dont expect anything bettern about a 5 inch group at 100 yards. Seriously. I dont care what flak i get or what pictures get posted after mine. 5 inches is about the average SKS. You can get a Saiga for bout that, convert it to AK format for about 200 bucks , and have a nice gun, you built. comply with 922.

get an ak instead..... and watch that "5 inch" group turn into a 10"+ for only ~$400 more! :rolleyes:
didnt someone say something about minute of car door? well now you're talking about tripple the cost for minute of barn door.

your average shooter with limited scope/range experience can only expect a ~5" group at 100 yards nearly regardless of which rifle he/she is firing.


New member
Saigas converted to Aks,at least the few that I have seen have been around 3 inches or so. not bad. Far bettern the SKS i have seen, granted the Saigas are new and the SKS are 44year oldworn out camel shipped via afganistan goatherder taliban russian POSss.