Norinco M4


New member
My new AR :) just got it today haven't even had a chance to clean it.


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New member
Did you get this in the US? I Though norinco's were banned for political issues. to bad, for the money their 1911's and M14 knock off's are impressive.


New member
I'm in Canada. and they must've been making them for a few years now- it says 2006 on the manual. I have another Norinco - .22 Woodsman copy. Haven't had a chance to properly go over the M4 but it look very nice for the money. oh it has a 14.5" barrel :)


New member
Is that a restricted-class rifle?

Hi, IM_Lugger.

Just curious as to whether your Norinco is classified as a restricted firearm. Hopefully it isn't!

Looks very nice! Please post a range report once you've taken it out for a spin.



There's something so wrong about a chinese M4. :D

I have a Norinco 1911 that I bought back in the 90's for $260. I should have bought two.


New member
The one Norinco I've owned=:barf: But, I'm hoping their quality has improved over the years, good luck to you. They make some neat looking .22s I'd like to try out some time, but I don't guess that'll happen, at least till they get off the "bad" gun list.:rolleyes:
Really wish we could buy Norincos in the US. Their old guns I have handled and inspected were so high quality for something that competed with Taurus on price.


New member

That's what I thought, that they were all restricted, but I wasn't sure. :(

Anyhow, enjoy your AR!



New member
Norinco has made Full Auto copies if the M16, the "CQ16" since the 1980' had grey furnature, and an odd plowhandle shaped pistol grip instead of a direct copy...this would just be thier latest version/spin off/ market expander.
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New member
Very interesting.

Is it significantly less expensive than a Canadian or American equivalent?
It actually is; $700 for this puppy, S&W AR is about double the price and that's about the most affordable of American made AR's. That's why this is my first one I just don't have a couple of grand laying around.

Chinese AR
oh come on! why the hate? :)


New member
Marstar has the M-14S on sale in Canada for $399. Classic Arms has new M4 type rifles from a new manufacturer in NC for $699. If I didn't have more than enough guns to go around I'd get one myself.


New member
I was just reading the manual and started laughing, love the translation from Chinese! lol

here's what it says;

CQ-A 5.56mm automatic rifle is an automatic or semi automatic weapon for infantry to kill individuals or group active objects. The rifle is characterized with light weight, high accuracy, high cyclic firing rate, easy operation, more cartridge carrying and makes the operator enjoy a better annihilating firepower within 460m

spelled everything the way it says in the manual :D