Norinco AK in 5.56

Darker Loaf

New member
So, I just happened upon a Norinco AK chambered in 5.56. I've been looking for a gun like this for a long time for a Definitive Arms conversion for AR magazines. I was originally looking at Saigas and Arsenals, but I didn't have the money before the ban came up, and I could have this Norinco for under $500. It is used. The outside is well-worn and painted black on wood furniture, now worn away. But, when we popped the top-cover and checked the bore, it looked perfect. The bolt looks clean and seldom-used. The trigger/hammer surfaces look polished, clean, and perhaps hardened. The trigger is actually nice; it is long but breaks lightly and smoothly. I don't know that I'd feel the need to swap it out. I should add that I might just leave the finish as-is, too.

At most I'd thread the barrel, change the furniture (though I kind of appreciate the hard-worn look of the wood)--certainly the pistol grip, and then finally do an AR magazine conversion when Definitive Arms finally is accepting custom work again.

So, I've had experience with Norincos only with SKS's, and they seem nice. I've heard good things about Norinco AK's in general. But I still feel the need to ask about a 5.56 Norinco AK:

1) Are the magazines reasonably available? I might be "stuck" with the stock magazines for a while, and so I might want to invest in a number of them to play with the gun. Do the magazines work well in the platform?

2) Does the 5.56 run well in a Norinco? I'm presuming that the 5.56 would work because the 5.45 is not far off, but feel the need to ask since it is a non-standard AK round.

3) What are your general impressions of Norinco 5.56 AK's?

Darker Loaf

New member
OH, and do Circle 10 5.56x45 magazines work?

Same with Arsenal M-74NC's 5.56x45?

Or do I have to have original Norinco magazines?

Darker Loaf

New member
And also, it seems to be just a 7.62 barrel under-bored for 5.56. Is that correct? It seems pretty thick underneath the handguard. I like that.

Carne Frio

New member
I have three Norincos in 5.56. They work fine.
I only have factory magazines. Never a failure
with brass cased ammo and only a few with the
steel cased. I also have plenty of magazines, in
various capacities. I have had them since they
were first available. I think the current prices are
too high and wouldn't purchase any more.
Circle 10's don't fit. Weigers are supposed to
be OK. Here is a link to a sticky, in a dedicated
AK forum, covering the Norinco's in 5.56.:D
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Darker Loaf

New member
Thank you for your response and the link! It's really appreciated. What are "Weigers," I've never heard of them? Can you still get factory magazines?


New member
Back in the day Robinson arms offered there Vepr K in .233 , I have 2 of these fine weapons , the magazine are the same as the 5.45 x39 with a different follower . I know they were selling the followers and you could convert your 5.45 mags .

Bart Noir

New member

It seemed like a good idea for East Germany, except that suddenly there was no more East Germany.

Weiger AK version

And now closer to home:

IO Inc version of the Weiger

The butt-stock looks very good to me, and pistol grip is just right in my hand. But I do not approve of putting the front sight on the gas block. The AK already has a short sight radius and this one makes it even worse.

I've fired pistols with more distance between front and rear sights.

Bart Noir

Darker Loaf

New member
But I am probably right in assuming that these mags wouldn't fit a Norinco in 5.56? It seems like there aren't Norinco mags around anywhere.


New member
I think the ones I have are for the Norinco rifles. I have heard that the norinco mags wont interchange with the polytech rifles