Noobi alert! Have some questions.........

Handgun Harry

New member

I am going to purchase a handgun next month. I have several friends (and a roomate) who all own guns and go out shooting, and I'd like to join them with my own piece. I've shot 9's, a .45, and .22's.. All my friends own 9's; my roomate owns a .40.. I was wanting to get something a little different so I was thinking of a .45.

Accuracy is the most important thing to me (other than Safety) and don't mind an external saftey, so I was thinking of single action. I was leaning towards a SIG, or maybe a USP. However, I wanted something that's pretty customizable so I was thinking more of a SIG..?

I'd also like to be able to use it for home defense, and something I could eventually carry on me if I ever get a concealed permit... so I should probably get a compact .45?

I also planned on taking a gun safety class.. where do you think a good place to find information about this would be? Any government provided classes? Could I call my local police station and inquire about it maybe?

I was planning on spending $600-800..


New member

Find a handgun that you are comfortable with.

Take a class, yes. Call around to the ranges in your area. If you live in a state that requires a specific course of instuction in order to obtain a concealed permit, take that course, to avoid having to pay for it later.

Look at Rugers. You will find that most people are quite pleased with theirs. For what you want to spend you should be able to buy a quality gun, lots of ammo and range time, and a good basic course.

Good luck, and be safe.

J. Parker

New member
Welcome, Handgun Harry. Single action and customizable? Sounds like a 1911 of some kind to me. What state do you live in (makes a big difference)? One thing for sure- you'll get alot of info from the good people of TFL. Good Luck and have fun shopping, J. Parker

Handgun Harry

New member
Yeh, I've heard and read up a bit on the 1911.. I was thinking about that one too. I was going to head down to the local gun shop and check out what they had. I live in Oregon (thank god!).

When I say customization I mean things like a pre-ban clip, new grips, accessories, etc.. I've heard SIG's are very good guns, accurate and very reliable... but I haven't discounted a 1911..


Accuracy is the most important thing to me (other than Safety) and don't mind an external saftey, so I was thinking of single action. I was leaning towards a SIG, or maybe a USP. However, I wanted something that's pretty customizable so I was thinking more of a SIG..?

45, single action, accuracy most important? Sounds like you want a 1911. Commander size maybe, although I think the 5" barrel is best for an accurate .45. My suggestion is, go with a Colt XSE, in Commander size if you want it a little smaller, or a Kimber Custom or Compact.

BTW, the SIGs DO NOT have external safties, so there is no "cocked and locked" single action mode on a SIG.
USPs have the external safety, so "cocked and locked" carry is a possibility with them, but the trigger on a USP (read: USPee-ewww!) stinks, especialy compared to a nice 1911 trigger.

When I say customization I mean things like a pre-ban clip, new grips, accessories, etc..

The only .45 that has pre-ban (high-capacity) mags for it is the Paraordinance 1911-style guns and the Glock 21. There are more aftermarket custom parts for the 1911 pistol than ALL OTHER HANDGUNS COMBINED.

Handgun Harry

New member
Ok.. where's a good place to look at 1911's online? I want to get an idea of em' before I head down to the gun shop to look..

So I assume they are:

1) Safe
2) VERY Reliable
3) Accurate
4) Resonably Priced? ($6-800?)
5) Nice to shoot
6) Customizable


New member
Here is a small piece of advice from someone who went through this a couple of years ago: go to several gunshop, and rent as many of your choices as you can. Nearly any handgun besides a GI 1911 from WWI with the original barrel bushing or a derringer will be more accurate than you are for many years, so finding one that fits your hand the best with a trigger your finger agrees with the most will make you much happier in the long run. Just my opinion. Good luck with whatever starts you on your long life of eating kroger brand mac & cheese so you can buy more guns.


New member
hope this isn't presumptious, but it sounds like you need a kimber! :) i love mine.

not to be rude, but has a lot of good info on those guns. a kimber is a little more expensive, but much better for accuracy especially in a beginning hand guns shooter than the others.

the 9mm is less expensive to shoot. just a thought since i am a college student, money is a big player in my handgun decisions.

good luck on the decision, and happy shooting!

AC's & 45's

New member
Kimber Killer !! Ha ! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!

Good one BB !

"Colt is making excellent guns lately, the XSE is their "Kimber-killer": " :barf:

I say again," Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! and Ha!". :p

I will agree that Harry needs a 1911. It seems to best meet his requirements and then some. ;)


AC's & 45's, have you actually handled an XS or an XSE? While I agree the XSE is not as good as the (currently non-production) XS, they are every bit as good as a Kimber. And frankly, the XS (if you can find one) blows Kimber out of the water. I'm waiting for Colt to start production of the XS again before I get another 1911.

Handgun Harry

New member
Thanks for all the insight guys!

I went and looked today and I found a 1911 Colt Commander...

Not sure if it's an XSE or XS.. but it was the only one they had.. new.. $780.. The guy said it more than likely would not last long.. I am going after work to pick it up! I am on vacation next week, so I am signing up for a gun saftey class. 8)

I looked at the P220, the colt, and a Kimber.. I didn't like the Kimber because it didn't feel as balanced as the Colt.. the Kimber was definately lighter, but the colt was well balanced for the weight..


I am sure I will become a regular poster here..

Thanks again for all the insight. The 1911 was PERFECT.. exactly what I wanted!

hollow point

New member
Congrats! I know you will love it! Be sure to put lots of ammo thru it and get to know it real good! Also, good move on the class! You'll have a blast! Be sure to post and impress us with what you learned! ;)



Instead of a safety class, you may want to look into a "real" shooting class; they will cover safety, as well as technique, defensive shooting and marksmanship.

BTW, congrats on the Colt, sounds like an XSE, an XS would be a couple hundred more probably and they are extreamly scarce.

You didn't buy just a handgun, you bought an heirloom. Enjoy.


New member
Congrats on the new firearm. One tip, most people recommend a couple hundred rounds through it for a break-in before trusting it for personal defense. Have fun. Try different ammo types and choose the one that works best.


New member
I agree with BB. After the safety class, get into a defensive pistol class with an excellent training company like GunSite, FrontSite, Thunder Ranch, etc. (there are many).

These classes are REALLY worth their cost! They're fun, confidence building, and might just save your life!

Do it! You won't regret it.