non standard BP loads in 45 Colt


New member
Seached on "45 Colt Black" and checked all the threads back to March 2012.

If this has been asked before it was more than a year ago. I have been reloading about 5 years, but pretty new to black and substitutes.

1. If I load BP under a 270SAA cast bullet with 0-10% compression. is my pressure going to be OK, and can I expect any kinda usable/useful velocity out of a 4" barrel?

2. I want to load 230gr bullets to 750fps for steel target, IPDA and so on. Supposedly I could use a less than full charge of BP with a filler like tapioca or cream of wheat....maybe. Anyone tried it? Care to guess at a charge volume starting point?



New member
I was also wondering about using magnum pistol primers when loading BP in 45Colt.

I have read about it being done enough times to be willing to try it. Anyone had bad experiences? Loads to stay away from? Hold off for lower temps, but not really needed? Just curious, I can get a few LPM primers at my LGS this week, haven't seen LP primers in several weeks.



New member
You can't load enough BP or substitute under a .45 Colt bullet in a .45 Colt case to cause pressure problems. Just isn't possible! Just make sure it is at least slightly compressed for whatever bullet you use.

Use whatever primer you have available. You'll be fine. No real rocket science needed when loading BP! Just abide by the rule of always slightly compressing the powder, so as to leave no airspace.


New member
I always use magnum primers with black powder. Like poster 2 said, BP should always fill the entire bullet. I use compression dies on all BP loads.

Bullet weight is not a real factor unless you are shooting a vintage revolver.

The real secret to accurate BP shooting is to keep the fouling soft. In other words lubrication is important. I always use a greased or waxed wads between the powder and the bullet.

IMHO, BP cartridge reloading is a lost art. Making accurate ammo is more difficult than smokeless.

If you ever get serious about BP cartridge reloading, there are several good books out there on BP cartridge reloading.


New member
When you get done working up your load, try round ball. These are smokeless but fun to load and shoot.
44 cal round ball .451 in 45 Long Colt cases.
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New member
Real black powder is extremely easy to ignite, and there is no reason at all to use magnum primers IMO. Substitutes are a different story altogether, and I would use mag primers with them.

If you want a reduced load, try 20-25gr with enough filler on top for a little compression.