Non Fiction books about guns......

Death from Afar

New member
Any recomendations? I feel like something light weight, pulpy, with lots of guns inside. Can I recommend anything by Stephen Hunter particularly "Point of Imoact" which has a wonderful Cameo wih a thinly disguised Jeff Cooper- and a long discussion about the Model 70 Winchester, and "Pale Horse Coming" which features a thinly disguised Elmer Keith. All good reads.


New member
Unintended Consequences by John Ross is a good read. I've read all of Stephen Hunter's books and found them to be great novels. Black Light and The Master Sniper were well written and he has a way with telling a story tailored to the gun culture crowd.


New member
I just finished The Walking Dead and One Shot One Kill both by Charles Sasser and Craig Roberts.

I thought were both great books


New member
He asked for non-fiction in the title and gave examples of fiction in his post... So... I went with fiction examples! :rolleyes:


For non-fiction, there are those ones about Carlos Hathcock, the famed Marine sniper. I have not read them.



New member

Marine Sniper is a very good read, I highly recommend it. Barry Sadler wrote a series of fiction sniper books that seem to be based off of Carlos Hathcocks exploits. Although they may be a little hard to come by now.
Just polished off two good ones:

"Shooter" by Jack Coughlin, this guy is so tough I bet he eats gravel for breakfast.

"Gideon's Spies" by Gordon Thomas about Mossad's dirty tricks.

Both are chock full of crazy stories and firearms info. They are non-fiction if that's what you want. Your post is somewhat unclear about that.