No such thing as a dead round


New member;_ylt=AsM4kyIwO3McB4..Tn5n.GrtiBIF

CUMBERLAND, Md. - A rocket on display for two years at veterans' museum was discovered to be live Wednesday and was removed safely, authorities said.

The Allegany County's Combined County Criminal Investigations unit and the State Fire Marshal's Office said the ordnance was on display at the Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 172 on North Liberty Street. The ordnance was a 48-inch by 2.75-inch Mark 1 Rocket similar to those used on helicopter gun ships during the Vietnam conflict, Deputy State Fire Marshal Joseph Zurolo Jr. said.

Remember to properly dispose of all suspect munitions.


New member
When I was in the Coast Guard the guys from the welding shop next door decided to cut open a 5" round someone found on the beach, probably from WWII era. They never found all of the guy operating the torch, two other guys lost their hands and various body parts. Darwin candidates if ever there were any.