No shipping to California?


New member
I'm wondering why no one will ship to California, even to a FFL? I know that my FFL accepts over the internet order shipments for a fee, so what's the big deal? Or do out of state sellers just not know the laws so they play it safe.

Just curious really, but I've yet to see a GB listing that doesn't say "we do not ship to California"

*mags, ammo, etc excluded ^^

dogtown tom

New member
Because California has extra steps for an out of state dealer to jump through:

-dealers have to register with CDOJ
-contact Cali dealer to get his pin #
-verify that the firearm is California legal
-I have to log in and enter Cali dealers pin # to get a transaction #
-I have to enclose that transaction # with firearm

Many just don't want to mess with the extra hassle.

*BTW, I do ship to California. :D


New member
Thanks for the answer -

I don't know very many gun enthusiasts out here anyways, so not shipping to CA probably has very little effect on sales.


New member
I don't know very many gun enthusiasts out here anyways, so not shipping to CA probably has very little effect on sales.

Say what? There are millions of gun owners in CA. It's one of the biggest gun markets in the country. Just because you are not personally acquainted with them doesn't mean they don't exist.

I don't like CA's shipping rules any better than anyone else does, but seller's who refuse to sell to CA are only reducing the size of their market and doing exactly what the CA legislature wants them to do - stop selling guns to CA.


New member
It could be that these sellers are reducing their market and leaving money on the table. But the fact remains, there's much more trouble involved in selling to California- trouble that is NOT involved with the other states.

What would you say if the seller charged an extra $50 per firearm in order to deal with California's laws? It would compensate for the extra time, but I wonder if the CA folks would moan and groan about the extra fees on the seller's side.


New member
What would you say if the seller charged an extra $50 per firearm in order to deal with California's laws? It would compensate for the extra time, but I wonder if the CA folks would moan and groan about the extra fees on the seller's side.

Oh, please. It takes as much time for a dealer to register with the state of CA (the one time and only time you have to do it) as it does to register with this forum. It takes as much time to get an approval to ship as it takes to post a message.

It's not THAT big a deal.

dogtown tom

New member
What would you say if the seller charged an extra $50 per firearm in order to deal with California's laws? It would compensate for the extra time, but I wonder if the CA folks would moan and groan about the extra fees on the seller's side.
Oh, please. It takes as much time for a dealer to register with the state of CA (the one time and only time you have to do it) as it does to register with this forum. It takes as much time to get an approval to ship as it takes to post a message.

It's not THAT big a deal.

I'm embarrassed by my fellow dealers who refuse to ship to California. Most feel that they are somehow teaching Californians a lesson or showing those gun owners how misguided their state lawmakers are. (like it isn't obvious)

This attitude makes the antigunners happy........they get exactly what they want- fewer guns shipped to California.

I say screw the antigunners in California and I'll do my little insignificant bit to support California shooters. If we give up on California, who is next? New York?, Illinois?, New Jersey? Florida? Pretty soon the only states those dealers will ship to is down to Vermont, Alaska and Wyoming..........states whose population is smaller than the county I live in.


New member
Say what? There are millions of gun owners in CA. It's one of the biggest gun markets in the country. Just because you are not personally acquainted with them doesn't mean they don't exist.

They sure seem invisible at election time, I mean come on could the laws be any more restrictive and still be in the U.S.....

Or maybe its one owner with millions of guns. :D


I buy mine on the internet from Davidson's Gallery of Guns - Love the Gun Genie. They ship to the LGS that has the price I like best. I like the fact that I can buy it "now" on the internet once I have made up my mind.

Mike Armstrong

New member
I lived 21 years in New York State and I assure you that gun laws CAN be even more restrictive than the stupid CA gun laws. And have you talked to anybody from Jersey or MA recently?

Anybody that wants to see what the pro-gun scene in CA is like have a look at Or join in!


New member
Well California is about 10% of the US population factoring in an estimated 10% of california's population as "undocumented." combine that with an overall lower appreciation of firearms and I would say that market isn't really as big as might be assumed.

Then again 33 million is a lot of people to ignore.


New member
The other problem is not only the out of state FFL has to be registered with Cali DOJ but the dealer receiving the firearm must be. Each and every shipment must be submitted and approved by Cali DOJ before shipment AND if a handgun, must be on the Cali DOJ approved list. MOST used handguns are NOT on that list .

Too much hassle for most dealers to deal with for what should be a simple sale FFL to FFL


New member
The other problem is not only the out of state FFL has to be registered with Cali DOJ but the dealer receiving the firearm must be.
All CA FFLs are registered with the state and have a state dealer number. Comes with the territory.

Each and every shipment must be submitted and approved by Cali DOJ before shipment AND if a handgun, must be on the Cali DOJ approved list. MOST used handguns are NOT on that list .

Too much hassle for most dealers to deal with for what should be a simple sale FFL to FFL

Again, about as much work as posting a message on a forum. Go to the website, enter the CA dealer number, get the approval.


Its the rason Anti-guners will win someday the work for on common cause and Pro-gunners pull crap like this and wont work with each other.
Again, about as much work as posting a message on a forum.
Except for the part where the dealer has to make sure the gun's California legal to avoid having it shipped back. Or the part where the recipient decides to slap a flash-hider or something else on which turns the gun into an "assault weapon," then gives the shipping dealer no end of hassle when he gets in trouble.

I've seen both those things happen. It does add unnecessary overhead for the shipping dealer, and I can understand them not wanting to deal with it.


New member
Looking up the handgun on the DOJ list is also quick. Most all rifles are easily sold there, the only complexities come with magazine fed semi-autos. Over at Calguns they have a great chart that helps you make sure its right.

AR's are easy to make legal and doing so is another add on product you sell...

Most folks buying from California also know all this stuff too, their laws are in some ways easier to follow then New York and New Jersey etc.

If dealers dont want to ship to the state then so be it, more for those of us who dont have issue with it. We sell lots of guns to the Californians and also lots of accessories too because its a huge market we would be nuts to ignore.