No more knives?


New member
Is EVERYBODY afraid of everything now? Last weekend I went to an airshow at Langley AFB. They had signs that said no back packs, no knives, etc. and they checked purses and camera bags at the gate. I wasn’t too surprised; it is after all a military base. Now this weekend I’m going to go to the race in Richmond. The tracks website:
says no knives, including pocketknives. What are they afraid of? I don’t see me carjacking a race car with a 2 inch blade as a credible threat. Is this a knee jerk reaction to 9-11? I’m old enough to have been able to legally carry a pocketknife in school and none of the many students with knives went on a slashing spree.

I realize many people consider this an evolutionary move. IE, a move away from weapons to a non-violent society. I see it as devolving toward a society that is pushing away the very survival tools that got us where we are.

Sorry, just needed to vent. It’s frustrating to see us turning into a nation of prey.

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
Unintended (good) consequences of such idiocies:

More people driving, cars become even more popular than mass transit systems.

More people spend spare time in private, with friends...and not spending time and money at public events. That I view as a good thing.

...would have been nicer to have a choice...but the venues which insist on the offensive measures like that are cutting their own throats financially.
Tried to visit the George Patton Museum at Fort Knox earlier this year. Vehicle had to get inspected by GIs who looked underneath with mirrors, opened the trunk so they can go through the luggage. Thankfully they didn't open the tool rolls and see all the chisels, dividers and other sharp implements.

I understand the need for screening visitors at an Army Base and don't object. After all, it's Army turf and what the Army sez, goes. However, I lost what little time I had to see the museum. :( Perhaps next year.


New member
I used to have a pocket knife in school all the time. It was never a weapon in my mind. Many kids had them. I graduated in 1986. I was just at a reuiniun and told the headmaster about how I hated to hear about public school students getting expelled for giving an Asprin to another student and "zero tollerance" policies. He said they always have tollerance, and it made me happy to hear him say that.

45 Long Colt

New member
griz said ". . . many people consider this an evolutionary move. IE, a move away from weapons to a non-violent society."

True. Those people are fools. They do not understand: there are violent people in every society. Such people cannot be dealt with by reason or even by appeasement. You deal with them by answering their violence with superior, decisive violence on your own part. Preferably fatal. To them.

Not all violence is bad. The violence the U.S. practiced in WWII was good. Killing an armed robber is good. Killing a rapist is good. Killing a burglar is good.

When the fools have rendered themselves entirely defenseless, they will be used and abused by violent people, driven across the land like beasts and slaughtered.

Charles Darwin would have loved it.


New member
I recently learned that the Six Flags theme park in the St.Louis area has installed metal detectors at the gate. Time to add another place to my list of places that I won`t be visiting.

Nanaimo Barr

New member
they let me drive up to the front of the terminal at our local airport with a 3 gallon gas can in my trunk.

they never asked me about the Rifle case it was sitting on. (empty)


New member
Busch Gardens in Williamsburg had metal detectors too. I had forgotton about that. My list of places I don't need to visit is growing as well. Unfortunately that will not fix the problem. It may even take a court case like the man in CO.:(


New member
The meek will inherit the earth but only when the strong are finished with it. The PC stupidity exhibited of late is truly staggering. Hell, no is being made safer. It is just getting stupid!
I guess they expect someone to take hostages with their swiss army knife. Unbelievable!


New member
***? I'm getting sick of this sort of thing. At this rate, it's only a matter of time before one will get prosecuted for carrying a concealed weapon if he has a two inch pocket knife on him. It's just plain rediculous. A pocket knife is a very important survival tool. That does not mean it is mean to be used for defense or as a weapon. For example, if a person is trapped in a wrecked automobile that is so smashed up the seatbelt cannot be disconnected, it must be cut with something. A pocket knife will accomplish this just fine. I've never met anyone who could break seat belt with is bear hands.

Because small groups of terrorist hijacked airplanes with utility knives, idiots think banning ANY type of knife (including plastic eating utensils) will stop anything like that from happening again. BS. The terrorist having utility knives IS NOT THE REASON THE AIRPLANES WERE EFFECTIVELY USED AS MISSLES. These guys were greatly out numbered by everyone else and could have easily been stopped (as was proven on one of the flights). The reason the terrorists were able to carry out their missions was because of the ninny-a$$ "policies" that exist to "cooperate and avoid escalating situations". I bet, if on Sep 11 in each of those airplanes, crew and passengers had beat the living hell out of the bad guys and then landed safely, some would likely be prosecuted for taking the law in their own hands or something like that. It's not any different than a person who defensively kills an intruder in the home and ends of getting charged with a crime or sued.

It's the "evovling into a non-violent society" crap that has truly caused all of this. And it has only resulted in even more of it.

I regularly have to sharpen my pocket knife due to all the use it gets. Strange thing is, no one has ever been injured or killed with it.


Moderator Emeritus
People seem to be getting all hyped over "weapons". What they seem to be forgetting is that knives are, like firearms, tools. Until it is actually used in attack or defense, a knife is a tool, nothing more.

Anyplace I can't take my tools will just have to do without my presence.


Staff Alumnus
Here I am, with the Family at Juniper Springs Run (about 4 miles from the Park at the Headwater where all the tourists go)(it's great to be a local and know of these places). Been there about half a day, playing with the kids, watching my stupid Rotty act like a bear trying to catch salmon (minnows) :rolleyes:

So, I'm walking back down stream with my son, daughters, Rotty leading the way (not on a leash). I've got on my UDT shorts complete with subdued Gunsite Patch and my Emerson Commander is clipped inside my waist band. Theres a Park Ranger on the bank as we walk by.

PR - Excuse me. Is that a knife.
Me - (looking around then realizing he is addressing me) Pardon?!?
PR - Is that a knife you have clipped in your waist?
Me - Aaaaaa Yes.
PR - Why are you carrying a knife?
Me - I always carry a knife! Have done so for over twenty years on a daily basis.
PR - Why do you think you need a weapon here? Are you expecting trouble?
Me - No... and I don't consider this a weapon, its a tool.
PR - Well it is a weapon and weapons are not allowed in the park.
Do you have a car here?
Me - Yes
PR - I'm not going to confiscate that weapon but I will ask you to put it in your car. If I see you with it again I'll have to take it?
Me - Fine! Not a problem.

I head over to the Burb and put the Emerson up (right next to my Gerber Bowie that I keep under the seat :D ) and head back to the campsite. Getting there I notice the grill is now prime for cooking. I grap a pack of hotdogs out of the cooler and turn around towards the grill. I reach down for my Commander to open up the pack of dogs and........ of course the camp consists of the grill, some floats for the kids, a cooler with drinks and food, some paper towels and thats it. Nothing to open the hotdogs with.

After retreaving my weapon from the Burb I open the hotdogs and get em cooked up. I then use my weapon to spread the condomonds on the buns and make the kids lunch.

Yeah, I guess my Emerson Commander can be considered a weapon....

A Friggen Weapon against HUNGER!!!

:mad: :mad: :mad:

Oh, and I may add that seeing Juniper Springs is in mid-FL and is fresh water they have these water lizzards down there that sometimes like to consume turf dwellers. Naaaaaa, can't see a need to have a knife handy (not that it would do much good but it would be better than nothing).

Now, my plan of action for any place that doesn't allow me to carry my weapon(s) (gun & knife or either) when something happens it to do a tactical withdraw of myself &/or family. If, God forbid, something happens to me or one of my family I will bring a Law Suit against the place because they deprived me of Right to protect myself, thereby assuming that responsibility themselves. They failed in that responsibility and, as such, are liable!! I may not win, but I will ensure it either makes headlines or gets put out over the Net on every Board/Mail List/E-Mail/Internet Radio/etc I can.