"No Guns Here" yardsigns - this one is unbelievable!


New member
I hope his door gets kicked in some night and he is shown first hand hoe "effective" his idea is...

I am tired.


New member
I have no problem with this person choosing to forego his rights. He can put himslef in slavery if he chooses, with no argument from me.

The problem, of course, is that he wants to deny MY rights, too.

Molon labe.

Hey, is he also going to forego prosecution of the people who smash in his door some night? Soon, he can add to that sign, "No TV here. No VCR here. No stereo here."

And certainly, "No safety here."

cma g21

New member
Sounds like a great idea!

I think all the antigunners should have a sign like that. (Let's the BGs know where to hit).


New member
I have a neighbor who has a large picture window in the front of his house. He also has rocks in the yard. I proposed that I put a sign in the yard which would say, DO NOT THROW ROCKS AT THE PICTURE WINDOW!!

He declined my offer.



New member
Sounds good to me.

Maybe we should make it a requirement for the sheeple. :D

They sure like to impose various requirements on us.


New member
I wonder.If I put one of those signs in my yard and subsequently shot a home invader expecting easy pickings would that be considered hunting over a baited area?:D


New member
Isn't that Precious !

Someone outta do a mind map of that author. I think one could learn lots about how those kinds think (there I do with the "think" stuff).

I want to follow this one. If it plays out ok I'll nominate them for the 2002 Darwin Award.


New member
"...legal murder will not bring an end to the commonly shared disease of social irresponsibility that likely gave rise to the conflict in the first place. It only executes the messenger, and provides an indeterminate intermission of peace within the context of perpetual pre-hostility. "

If he truly believes in his "compassionate nonviolence", he should leave his front door open so that the poor "messenger" of "social irresponsibility" doesn't hurt himself smashing down the front door.


New member
an indeterminate intermission of peace

Well, since true, lasting, peace will not happen while mortal man is in charge of this planet, I'll settle for" an indeterminate intermission of peace", and do what I can to prolong it.

Through superior firepower! :D


New member
fmjcafe wrote:
I wonder.If I put one of those signs in my yard and subsequently shot a home invader expecting easy pickings would that be considered hunting over a baited area?

Yeah, it would. :D


New member
A little Confirmation

The local Indy newspaper "The Gadfly" also has carried this letter.

Note for the class:

gad·fly (gdfl)
A persistent irritating critic; a nuisance.
One that acts as a provocative stimulus; a goad.
Any of various flies, especially of the family Tabanidae, that bite or annoy livestock and other animals.

Their Website is www.utah.indymedia.org

the email for the Wasatch Peace Team is wpteam@hotmail.com

their telephone number for more information is given as 18013640710

There is also a example of the sign:

Which I hope I just attached correctly.

(I guess I didn't)

"Remember Boys and Girls!
What Sound Does a Sheep Make?"



Barn Dog

New member
Please note this sheep did not say anything about a "No guns here" sign. The word gun was not mentioned. He said he would put out a "protected by compassionate nonviolence" sign. A bit different and does not mean exactly the same thing in my opinion. I think he cheated and backed off a little bit.


New member
I suppose that this guy would also like to bake up an apple pie and sit down and "reason" with bin Laden.:rolleyes:

Jim V

New member
After the literate B&E men hit a few of those homes and rape and pillage, do you think that the signs will come down? Or do we care?