No gun = no $ cards...


New member
I've seen these cards around on the different forums but have never seen one in person. My work place is 30.06 (TX legal no carry sign) posted and Thurday we had a delivery truck driver hand us a couple of these cards. As a CHL holder myself it sucks telling another CHL holder that they can't come inside our gate with a CCW. :mad:




New member
While I never did this myself, I have come across people who carried almost everywhere years before any CCW permit was ever issued in the country.
The Second Amendment and the right to personal self defense existed long before someone patted us on the heads and told us we could do what we already had the right to do.

And today, I've come across CCS permit holders who ignore any and all 30.06 signs except for the "serious" ones like court houses and the like (places where common sense says they really shouldn't carry due to metal detectors).

Just carry concealed and no one will know, and if no one knows, no one will care.


CDH, your missing the point.

These businesses that are so willing to post these signs must be made aware that because they have chosen to do so, those of us that chose to lawfully armed chose not to spend our money there.

Thanks Hoytinak, I have downloaded and printed some out...


New member
I've only seen one "No CCW" sign in my area. It's on the door, of all places, a gun shop!! :mad:

I like those cards.


New member
There's a TV and appliance store in my town, where quite by accident, I noticed a no gun sign in their window when entering planning to spend a bunch on a 72 inch TV. We had bought several products from this store but I had never noticed the sign. I was carrying but ignored the sign but now had no intention of purchasing the TV there.

I went in, spent about 30 minutes looking at all the TV's etc. etc. and told the salesman that I would take "that" one. As he started writing up the ticket, I told him that I had to go to my car to get my checkbook. As I re-entered the store I stopped and looked at the sign just long enough for the salesman to see me. I walked up to him and asked for the owner or manager. The manager came over and I asked him about the firearms sign and he said it was policy. I said that I objected, but he said sorry, but that is store policy and he could not do anything about it as he was a manager only but would rely my complaint to the owner. And I said it is my policy to no longer shop here, and I will be telling all of my shooting buddies. Looked over at the salesman and said sorry, no sale. Walked out.

Later that afternoon I received a phone call from the owner who said that it was his attorney's advice that he do that but he would reconsider the policy since I objected. I got a phone call the next day telling me that the sign's now gone and he would give me a 15% discount on the TV, already on sale.

So, sometimes it pays to bitch, as I saved money (not my goal), and removed a no-guns sign. I had no such success with the local mall however, so I conceal very deep


New member
Where can we buy those cards?

Can we get a version that isn't Texas specific?


I've got some general ones saved on my computer at home, when I get home here in a couple hours I'll see if I can put them on here.


New member
The big credit union in Wichita Falls (4 branches) posted 30.06 earlier this year. I closed my account and told the people there exactly why I was leaving. There TV ads say "member owned", but no one asked me before the signs went up. NO WAY, I don't carry much, but if I can't carry in their business, I will go elsewhere.

OH, the credit union has armed security to close the branches and make sure the employees get to their cars safely.

Where can I get some of those cards "no guns = no $$"



New member
Here in Nevada we can carry right passed those silly "no guns" signs, except of course in the aforementioned courthouses, police department, and other such federal buildings. On Las Vegas Blvd nearly every casino has a sign displayed somewhere stating no guns allowed to be carried into the property, however there is no state law or ordinance that bans a properly permitted individual from doing so. But, if asked by security or other authorized property personnel to leave the premises you must do so at risk of trespassing charges. So like CDH said, "if no one knows, no one cares." Just because some place has posted 'No Guns' doesn't necessarily mean no guns. It really pays to know your local laws. I've found it much easier to know exactly which places I CANNOT carry than those where I can.


New member
Here in Nevada we can carry right passed those silly "no guns" signs, except of course in the aforementioned courthouses, police department, and other such federal buildings.

Same thing in OK. But it really annoys me when some business puts up some version of a "no guns" sign. Whether it has the force of law or not. For instance, I live outside the small town of Vinita. Our main checking account is in Tulsa since the wife works there. But I wanted an account at a local bank as well. One that could be my farm account. There is a nice Bank of Oklahoma in town so I went there to open an account. And found a No Guns sign printed on the door. Across the street is an Arvest Bank. No Guns on the door. So I went to the bank at the main intersection. First National Bank of Vinita. And no signs of any kind about guns. I opened an account there and have been happy ever since. If I had used one of those other places, it would have made me grind my teeth every time I went in the building! I would have carried anyway but it just bothers me to see those signs. They seem to imply that somehow legal guns inside the bank would lead to crime.



New member
Just carry concealed and no one will know, and if no one knows, no one will care.

While I am sympathetic and agree that anti gun laws are BS, they ARE the law.

Giving people advice to break the law in an open forum is just plain stupid.


New member
I still laugh every time I see you guys talking about the "30.06" no guns signs.


The NC CHP law has the same nonsense written into it allowing business owners to post their businesses off limits. I'm a bit torn on this as I am a firm believer in other people's property rights as well as my right to bear arms. As such, I choose to speak with my wallet. I will print up some cards to use that are NC specific sometime soon.

The good news around this part of the state at least is that few businesses elect to post. I just have to avoid the usual bank/school/PO/govt building/bar/etc.


scorpiusdeus wrote:
While I am sympathetic and agree that anti gun laws are BS, they ARE the law.

Giving people advice to break the law in an open forum is just plain stupid.

Many places all over the country illegally post no-weapons signs when in actuality, they have no legal leg to stand on to prohibiting a person from the premises who is legally carrying a concealed weapon. This has been debated here on TFL extensively. Personally, I am with the "make me...but first you have find out"-crowd.


New member
Hoytinak, I liked the idea and I don't mean to hijack the thread but I did a similar "generic" layout from your example that can be printed on biz card stock such as carried by Staples. However, I recommend ink jet printing on regular card stock and trimming by hand with a straight edge and an Exacto knife, I doubt you'll need more than a couple sheets.

Print one side and let it sit until the ink is dry. Flip the paper on its 11-inch axis and print it again using the same leading edge as in the first printing. The text images will print on the back of the graphic images and vice versa. The biggest difficulty will be in registering the second side printing to the first side. You may have to futz with it, it's a tight layout.

This is a JPEG image which should (right click to download) be exactly 8-1/2 x 11 inches. The outside margins are 1/2-inch on all edges. The gutter distance between cards is also 1/2-in. Your printer "should" allow resizing output to meet these dimensions if the upload/download print process screws up the dimensions.

Any suggestions for copy changes, dimension changes, etc. E-mail me. Same for hi res PDF suitable for commercial printing.

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New member
It sounds as if the appliance store really wanted your business. I wish more establishments listened to their customers. Good for them and you. I hope you are giving them good advertisements now. Good job!