No deer in Western Oregon


New member
Normally I can at least find tracks and droppings on deer trails but this year nothing. The only black tail deer I've seen were in a city park in Hillsboro, OR.

Anybody else around here having better luck?



New member
This year has been out of the norm around here too.........

Lots and lots of feed and water everywhere, which is not normal. I think the overall numbers are about the same or better than last year, they just don't have to go anywhere they have all they need everywhere.:confused:


New member
I think that may be the case here too. We had a mild winter last year and they're predicting a mild one again this year. Yesterday was more like motorcycle riding weather than hunting weather...

I was praying for snow but there's none to be found in the coast range...



New member
Maybe the 'Great Whites' are eating them :D...

This is a bit off topic to the deer, apologies in advance for the thread drift, but my brother was telling me of a surfer there in Oregon that was riding a wave in. He fell while still in the wave and was feeling for his board with his feet. He felt the board under his feet so stood up on it and continued to ride the rest of the wave out. The only problem was, as he began to ride out of the wave, a dorsal fin started emerging in front of him. He had stood up on a great white shark. :eek:

Another onlooker(an off duty Coast Guardsman) had watched this happen and when the surfer was riding the shark, the onlooker could see the thrashing of the sharks tail behind the surfer. Course the surfer couldn't see this.
Surfer was not bit.

Guess this happened within the last 3 weeks or so.

Any of you Oregonians hear this?


New member
There are no deer on the beach. :D

Anyway the guy that had a chunk bit out of his board a few weeks ago was all over the local news. I also heard about a guy surfing on a shark but I don't think that was anywhere near here.

There are places that you can over look the ocean that used to be good hunting territory but these days you're lucky to see a squirrel there.

Strange thing is there are deer all over the city. Last year I had a buddy in the VA hospital here less than a mile from down town Portland. I went to visit him and I almost hit a forked horn buck driving out of the parking lot...



New member
I've been hearing from other hunters that poaching has been a big problem in the last few years and has cut deep into the game population. Oregon has a high illegal immigrant population and they have no problem breaking the game laws as well. One more reason to vote conservative...
