No dash 36.


New member

I have a question for the S&W guru's. A co worker has a S&W model 36 no dash that's in pretty rough shape that he is selling. He told me to make him an offer but these older smiths elude me on value. It is pinned and recessed, has the newer style cyl. release. It would have to be a restoration project, or just a good shooter if its good internally but either way I don't want to rip him off or pay too much. Any info you guys can give me is greatly appreciated, thanks!






James K

Member In Memoriam
Those dings are nasty, but otherwise the gun looks OK. Unless he is hurting and you want to be charitable, I would say offer him $150 and let him talk you up some if he wants to. I am not sure I would even try to restore it; for a using gun, it is often good to have one you won't cry over if it gets beat up.


David R

New member
Around here one in good condition brings 350. to 450.

With the finish like that there is no collector value and if you get it refinished still not much collector value. I have the same gun and I love it. I also have one in 3". Both are fine guns.

Its a plus if the serial number is on the grip too.



New member
If it's in otherwise good shape I'd give $200-$225 and forget a refinish. Just shoot and carry it. BTW, it's not recessed.


New member
Thanks guys! I was thinking 250 but now might go lower, that is if its in good working order. I was thinking a refinish would be a cold blue I do myself or cerkote and carry it.

Bill DeShivs

New member
A cold blue refinish is the last thing you want to do to that gun. Cold blue offers no rust resistance, wears terribly, looks like ****, and stinks. Leave it alone or let a professional refinish it.


New member
My local gunshop would sell that for around 250-275. So they would probably pay around 200 for it. It will sit a while at 400.


New member
An LGS had both a S&W 36 (don't know about any dash) and a few Colt Detective Specials all around $400 - $425 in nice condition, a lot better than that one, but some holster wear. ( I chose the later issue Det Special with the larger grips for my big hands & got it for $375.)


Active member
It's a beat-to-hell .38 special with no collector's value at all that doesn't appear to even be a candidate for a refinish. Top price - $200.

PS this thing took some pretty hard knocks - better check the timing, cylinder gap, smoothness of operation before even considering it.
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New member
$400 is about the most unrealistic price for a beat-up pistol I've seen in a while. $200 in a LGS, $175 between buds. LGS would buy that for $100, no more.

Grant D

New member
I bought a nice 36 no dash with serial numbered grips from my LGS for $275.00
His asking price is a little unrealistic for one in that condition.
And people like that get offended when you offer them what it's really worth.
It's best just to walk away from that one.


New member
I bought my Model 36 no dash (snub) for $350.00. It was a "sock drawer gn" - pristine condition - original grips - a ratty box with it. It's my #1 CCW.

I bought my Model 36 - 3" - about 95% with Pachmyer grips for a little under $300.00.

Both were purchased within the last two years.

The one you show has some dings, etc. If it locks up well and shoots well, those are "cosmetic" - still, I personally wouldn't spend much ore that $150 - $175 on it unless you want a restoration "project". Good ones are out there to be found if you keep your eyes open.

That said . . I love my Model 36 J frames. I reload and I love to reload 38 Colt Shorts with a 120ish grain lead bullet for my 3". Some may wonder why a person would carry a J frame for CCW but I'm very comfortable with 5 rounds of 38s along with a drop pouch of another 5.


New member
It's pinned, but it's NOT recessed.

Ahh thanks, learn something new everyday!

As for the price, he is not a gun guy and someone told him old smiths are worth a good bit. Not a bad guy at all just bought the gun for the ol sock drawer years ago for probably too much money. In the future after the sticker shock for him cools off I might try to nab it for a proper price later on lol.


New member
There are too many of them around, at least in my area, for under $ 300 with a few handling marks and some holster wear on them make that attractive for anymore than $ 150...( because those marks are pretty nasty )...

....Values on S&W's are up - but not so much on the model 36's - again, at least in my area, unless they are in very good condition - and condition is everything !