No 4


New member

Traded for a no 4 yesterday. Not sure where it's from. On the left side i found No4MKIROF{F}6/43, the ser.DC28===A on the barrel it has a circle
with a D in it and 2 stamps with the crown one has 25 underit and the other53 they both have an N under them also. And the CAI importer mark.

It was very crusty Barrel was full of grease the muzzel looked dark but the rifleing ran all the way to the end so i brought it home. Barrel cleaned up alright just a little rusty in the lands toward the chamber end the rest of the barrel is fine toward the muzzle it's great! Think it's from getting to hot?

Won't feed the first round bolt just misses the rims if you kinda cock the bolt down it might if it does the round will jump up and jam into the upper left side of the chamber does better with the clip out of my no1 but not good.
I've tweeked the lips went from one problem to another.

It shoots good!!! very good off the hood of the car last night shot into an 1 1/2" at 40y.

Got to get one of those long rifles now!


New member
Sounds like a weak or dirty mag spring. Remove the mag and the follower from the mag and clean them both. If that doesn't work, replace the mag follower.



New member
Also make sure you load the magazine properly with one rim forward, one rim back or it can lead to jams, though it is either a dirty or weak spring in the magazine or the lips to the magazine have been bent out of shape and can be bent back in place slowly with pliers.

As for the details of your rifle they go a little like this.


Hereby explaining the rifle is from the Royal Ordinance Factory in Fazakerley Lancashire. It also has the date of production there.

the ser.DC28===A

The 2 number is the indication its an ROF rifle too. Infact all the other Enfields for Faz with the DC28xxxx serials are also from June 1943.

on the barrel it has a circle with a D in it and 2 stamps with the crown one has 25 underit and the other53 they both have an N under them also.

These are inspection marks. The number is assigned to an individual inspector.