NJ needs our help


New member
An Assemblyman in NJ has introduced a "Shall Issue" Bill. The bill revises NJ "May Issue" to 'Shall Issue". It will make getting a concealed permit available to every one in NJ. The Glocktalk.com "carry issue" forum has the details. Let's all e-mail the NJ legislature and urge all of them to support A-1282.


New member
This should be discussed during the yearly NRA dinner in NJ this Saturday.. I gave a few attendees a heads up. I wouldnt hold your breath though.


New member
O joy! This would mean that my move from FL to NJ wouldn't be quite so dissapointing. I'd be able to carry again. Horray for the NRA!


New member
Sorry, but what help can those of us smart enough to NOT LIVE THERE give?

I can't vote there, and I have NO want to live there, or even VISIT there...

So, how the heck can anyone not living there help?

Scattergun Bob

New member

I do not think your response was of credibility. Perhaps the poster did not know how to help, most do not!

Hemicuda - the following folks seem on the fence about this issue, I know that a non resident call or e-mail is usually disregarded, but it may be worth the effort. I will try even though I also have no desire to go to N.J.:)

Senator Christopher Bateman (R-16)
(908) 526-3600

Senator Andrew R. Ciesla (R-10)
(732) 840-9028

Senator Robert M. Gordon (D-38)
(201) 703-9779

You could google any of these names to get a e-mail site.

Good Luck & Be Safe


New member
its about darn time. even though i'm not holding my breath. there is always hope. would i carry everytime i went out. maybe, maybe not. but i know there is a few places i should, but can't. i'm surprised that of the area codes to the phone numbers listed none of them are 856 and/or 609. does this mean no southern nj politicians are looking at this?


New member
to put it bluntly, WHAT GOOD is a telephone call to a legislator from someone who IS NOT a constituient (sp) of thiers?

Like a NJ legislator is gonna listen to a word I have to say, or read a word I have to write, when they ask where I live, or see the postmark, and it is from Michigan?

If I were a legislator, and someone from a state or district OTHER than mine were to try to give me advice, ir tell me how to vote, I'd politely brish tjem off, and as soon as I was no longer in their presence, laugh like hell, and think "what a flippin' idiot"... and gver their opinion exactly ZERO weight...

this is the same reaction that ANYONE in that position will have... think about it!

Scattergun Bob

New member

You are probably right, however, I politely e-mailed each party and received to "caned" thankyou responses.

Antipasta - I apologize to you, you are right you can live without his help!


Sorry, but what help can those of us smart enough to NOT LIVE THERE give?

You can give a heads up about this bill to anyone you know who lives there in NJ (or who has ties to NJ) to start calling their assemblymen/women.


New member
Hemicuda and Scattergun Bob. My apologies. I get a little defensive for my state sometimes. You are two non-Jersey guys that took part in this thread with good intentions.

I just came over from this site - http://www.njcsd.org/forum/showthread.php?t=2066 - which also has a thread going on this topic. It got me thinking and maybe there is something you and a lot of others can do. You may live in Michigan or on the west coast, but the e-mail recipient doesn't know that, in most cases. What if you picked a town "to be from" here in NJ and e-mailed the legislators for that district? Just a short, polite note that you favor an individual's right to CCW and you'll remember them come election day. There's a lot more info at the New Jersey Coalition for Self Defense (NJCSD) site.

This could be a tactic used by our online community in many other states and situations. Just a thought...
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Scattergun Bob

New member

Gave it a try for you, hope it helps.

Shake the tree, tote the sign, send the letter, voice your position. One of the thing that I fought for was the Right for Americans to dissent. That means the we all have the right to be heard and to question. Good luck and if American rights were worth a little of my blood in my youth, then they are certainly worth a couple of stroke of my key board in my senior.

Good Luck & Stay Safe