NJ joins the parade of new gun laws to be proposed

Glenn E. Meyer

New member

Haven't seen the proposal yet, but didn't search in general. But the summary says Chris wants even tougher gun laws and banning evil guns. That seems to be a pattern in the East (and including CO). The article discusses that Chris would have national problems with his stance if he ran as a GOP candidate.

The same would go for Gov. Cuomo - sure he would be a Democrat but would be reviled on his gun stance by much of the country.

Now I'm not trying to do a political rant (against our rules) but it seems to me (and research shows) that the operative issue is not party on gun issues but basically urban vs. rural and Eastern vs. the rest of the US. Eastern seems to mean an axis of NY, CT, MA, RI and NJ. Maine, VT, and NH seem ok - unless they get a demographic hit. CO gets driven by urban - Boulder and Denver. Same with IL and Chicago.

I think we will a strong state polarization in gun laws and party won't make that much difference. Plenty of 'conservative' city or suburb types that are strongly anti. Peter King, from NY, or the vile Joe Scarborough (praised by Biden) come to mind.

Spats McGee

. . . . urban vs. rural . . . .
I came to the conclusion that this is a major factor in gun control positions some time ago. IMHO, urban dwellers get used to the fact that if you need something, you call someone: a plumber, a delicatessen, the police. Rural folks, on the other hand, are accustomed to the idea that if you need something, you do something about it: fix the toilet, butcher a hog, defend your farm.


New member
Having lived both ways, with grandparents who operated a dairy farm, we still have someone butcher the hog for us. But the premise behind your reasoning is mostly sound.

Some jobs/tasks are either done yourself, or the community will cooperate. My uncle runs multiple trap fields for the High School Trap teams. One of his neighbors brought over a machine designed to bury the electrical supply cables. Some state statutes require an electrician to do some electrical home repairs, but there have been a number of times I've heard my uncles referring to the work they do on their own implements, buildings and so on as "Farmer Fixes".


New member
Christie's ban of the Barrett .50 is ludicrous as a public safety measure.

He is trying to show he's "doing something". Not impressive.


New member
Governor Christie has never been in favor of 2A rights. He's usually the Republican I contrast against Senator Reid or Manchin when stating it's not a party issue.


New member
I saw the proposals a couple months ago. All 20-some, and most of them made it out of committee and are going to be voted on. The bad ones for us will probably pass in the legislature by majority, but I don't think Christie is going to sign off on a lot of them.

As far as rural vs urban, I agree. From Trenton and north, there's a lot of urban areas with typical inner city issues and the general anti-gun that goes along with that. Southern NJ, totally different state.

Willie Sutton

Inside political scoop says that Christie will sign a .50 caliber rifle ban and sign legislation putting a photo on the state Firearms ID Card, meaning that if you have one now you will need to go to your LEO office and get a new one.

Inside scoop also says that this is all that the Dems will send to Christie to sign, as they feel a bit... "vulnerable" and do not want to send things to him that will cause them to lose the "Patriotic Democrat" vote that is common in the rural yet strongly Democratic-voting southern counties.

Methinks they learned their lesson by watching what happened in the US Senate. :D




New member
The Biden Special isn't political, it's just stupid. He'd be ridiculed no matter what party he was in for saying something like he has.
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