NJ Hunting bills A1669,A595a


New member
not sure if this belongs here the gen. discussion section is firearms related only though. but this about hunting so i hope its relevant. yesterday afternoon in the NJ general assembly 2 bills were voted on, A1669 which approves SUNDAY bowhunting for DEER. A1669 is heading to our gov. to be signed,hopefully he does the right thing and signs it into law.

bill A595a was approved in the NJ gen. assembly as well,its being sent to the senate to voted on there. Bill A595a approves a closer safety zone distance,150' instead of the already in place 450' safety zone distance. its limited to bow and arrow only for deer,and must be in a treestand. maybe it gets changed just a taste,so you do not need to be in a stand,but just elevated enough that your shot is at a downward angle should it pass through the deer or miss it. that being said if you must only be in an elevated position i could shoot from my roof at deer if i wanted to,after the law is passed :)

NJ hunters,outdoorsman and women please call,write,email your senators and get A595a passed and Senate related Bill of S976 too. email Gov. Corzine and ask the he support and sign Bill A1669 into LAW when he receives it soon.


New member

Sign Bill A1669 for Bow Hunting On Sundays


Bill A1669 for Bow Hunting On Sundays was passed overwhelming by the Assembly and by signing this bill, you will improve and expand one of the great hunting traditions of our ancestors, grandfathers and fathers.

Please do the right thing and sign this bill into law as soon as possible.

copy ,paste,sign and send to the the link above to Gov.Corzine. tell your friends to do the same even if they do not hunt. HOPE YOU NEW JERSEY GUYS ARE LOOKING
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New member
any NJ residents, hunters or not. that i did'nt send a Pm about this too if you have not already sent this letter or a letter at all,please do so now. heck send 10 or more if you want, keep the pressure on he will have to sign it,its the RIGHT THING FOR HIM TO DO.


New member
newspapers reported yesterday. Gov. has Bill A1669 on his desk. all he needs to do is sign it into law. please send another email urging him to sign. i am.


New member
keep the pressure on him. NJ residents bow hunters,gun hunters non resident bow/gun hunters, non resident non hunters. we need your help. please email,email,email. flood his inbox with emails FOR THIS. and call him to, tell the person who answers the phone,"I SUPPORT BILLS A1669 AND S802" FOR SUNDAY BOWHUNTING. please call a few times a day.
if you are a NJ resident,tell them atleast your first name and the city/town you are in.

the number is 609-292-6000. we are very close


New member
fax number and letter to fax to him.

**** Fax the Governor 609-292-3454
The Honorable Jon S. Corzine
Governor, State of New Jersey
Office of the Governor
PO Box 001
Trenton, NJ 08625

Re: Bill A1669 / S802

Sunday Bow Hunting

**** Fax the Governor 609-292-3454
The Honorable Jon S. Corzine
Governor, State of New Jersey
Office of the Governor
PO Box 001
Trenton, NJ 08625

Re: Bill A1669 / S802

Sunday Bow Hunting

Dear Governor Corzine:

The above legislation now awaits your signature and its passage is extremely important to me. As a conservationist I am committed to responsible stewardship of our state’s natural resources and Sunday Bow Hunting helps in this endeavor.

The bill will ensure better manage New Jersey’s deer overpopulation. Every lifeless roadside deer is the result of a car accident, an accident that caused financial loss and perhaps personal injury or death.

The bill will help reduce agriculture losses due to deer feeding currently estimated to be 20% per year, reduce residential landscape damage and the transmission of Lyme disease. Sunday bow hunting will help to boost New Jersey’s hunting license revenue, aid the state’s ailing economy by drawing non-resident dollars, repeal an antiquated blue law and bring New Jersey in line with 43 states that currently allow bow hunting on Sundays.

The bill restricts bow hunting to private property and Wildlife Management Areas only. WMAs were originally purchased entirely from the sale of hunting and fishing licenses and operational funding is still provided entirely by hunters and anglers. Sunday bow only amounts to 14 days per year but is of great value to people currently obligated to family and work responsibilities.

Governor Corzine, I am one of 650,000 New Jerseyans who hunt, fish and vote. I ask that you sign the Sunday Bow hunting bill into law.



New member
its signed,he waited until may 4 to sign. but its law now. bowhunting for deer on sunday, on wildlife management areas and private land only. THANK YOU EVERYONE WHO CALLED,EMAILED,FAXED. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT.

now i can hunt on sunday after work:D:D when bow season starts instead of being bored or angry that i can't go.

already have 2 guys at work asking when we gonna go. i said on our light sundays we can. right from the shop. change our clothes right there,bows will be in the back of my car,hit the woods before going home:D:D:):).