NJ Alert: Bush Rally Invitation


New member
Dear THR Member,

Because I'm not sure if this invitation has been cross-posted, kindly excuse the message if you've seen it before.


The New Jersey Coalition for Self Defense is extending a generous invitation made by Republican candidate for Governor Steve Lonegan to attend a FREE bus trip to the Bush "get out the vote" rally on 10/31/04 in Wildwood, NJ. We regret the short notice, but we did not find out about it ourselves until just last week, and an oversight means that we didn't reach out to you sooner.

Steve Lonegan is the ONLY candidate running in the upcoming race that not only just supports RKBA, but intends to make it a campaign issue!!! When the other candidates like Schundler and Forrester ran for cover, Steve is out there swinging a big bat over the issue, and looks forward to a public, open and honest discussion of the issue to help educate the ignorant in New Jersey.

This free trip will be an opportunity to rally around his campaign, and also see either President Bush, the 1st Lady, or another high-ranking member of the Bush campaign. Really, though, at the end of the day, it's about supporting a candidate that openly supports us. We need 50 RKBA advocates to pile out of a bus, in front of the news cameras and reporters, to prove that we're hacked off, and we're not gonna take it any more.

There will be music, food, and a FREE CHARTER BUS TRIP to the rally leaving Northern NJ and making stops on the way down to pick up your fellow RKBA advocates. We are asking all RKBA supporters AND THEIR FAMILIES to rally around Steve Lonegan's campaign - CHILDREN ARE WELCOME TO ATTEND. Unlike other politicians who say the WORDS about supporting CCW and RKBA, Steve intends to actually DO something about it.

For more information about Steve, visit his website, or stop by the NJCSD Bulletin Board to learn more about our organization, and how you can help turn things around in New Jersey.

To reserve your seat, please contact me by Email me at: president@njcsd.org

Yours in Liberty (or at least what's left of it),
Robert Kreisler
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New member
Update: 10/29/04

Dear TFLCommunity,

Great News!!!

We just crept over the minimum number to justify the bus trip. For all of you who have made the sacrifice to postpone your personal plans, and make an effort to be with us, you are owed a debt of thanks.

The bus route will be as follows:
- Departing the Rockaway Mall at 11AM
- Pickup at Princeton Commons at roughly 1PM
- Pickup at the GSP Forked River rest stop/commuter lot roughly 2PM
- Arrival at Wildwood at roughly 3:30PM
(Return trip will be via the same route and stops, after the event ends)

Those of you who are still on the fence, PLEASE make a point of reserving a seat. We can never have enough RKBA advocates! We hope that you will find your way clear to being there with us as we rally to support both Steve Lonegan (www.lonegan.com) and the Bush campaign. If you are interested in going, please respond president@njcsd.org to reserve your seat(s).

We regret that we had to cancel the Bridgewater stop, but the cost of routing a bus there was prohibitively high, given the number of responses from that area. We apologize for any inconvenience, and hope that those of you who were counting on that stop will understand, and be willing to meet up with us at one of the designated locations.

There have been a handful of times in history when this country has been at such an important crossroads, as we are now. There are few times in history when so few can make such an enormous difference. The 2000 election showed us that even just a few hundred votes determined the fate of a nation and the course of our history. Yet still to this day, I have heard some people think their votes just don't matter and their presence is not necessary. Go figure! If history has taught us anything, it's that EVERYONE matters, and EVERYONE'S help is needed.

Ten years from now, when someone asks what you did and where you were, when the basic ideas of freedom and liberty called, at least 30 people will be able to say: "I did my part to help turn the tide." We sincerely hope that those of you who are still "on the fence" about the trip, consider being part of helping us make history.

We're looking forward to seeing everyone on Sunday!!!