Nitrate medicines & gunsmoke?

Capt. Charlie

Moderator Emeritus
Serious question for you medical types out there. I just got back from our departmental qualification, and I feel like I've been run over by a road roller.

I'm on a ton of meds, including nitrates, for a bum ticker and high blood pressure. The stuff leaves me tired and sluggish anyhow, but about two hours into the shoot, my arms & legs began to feel like I had lead weights on them, and running from cover to cover was next to impossible. I qualified, but my scores were well below what I'm used to.

My question is, can the nitrates in gunsmoke affect blood pressure, causing it to bottom out? The air was relatively still, hot and humid, and there were ten shooters on the line at any given time, with some of the stages being fired full auto, so there was a LOT of rounds fired in a short period of time.

My non-shooter doc doesn't have a clue, so a reply from any gun-totin' doc here would be greatly appreciated.

Jim Watson

New member
Most of the nitrate in gunpowder is burnt to nitrogen in gunsmoke.
Is there enough left to affect you? I dunno.
Will heat and stress over two hours affect you? You bet.

I am not a doctor and do not carry malpractice insurance.


No,but he slept in a Holiday Inn Express last night.

Sorry Capt. I couldn't resist.

It is an interesting question about the powder smoke.


New member
Capt. Charlie,

I've had high blood pressure for years and I've never had that happen, especially on an outdoor range. I have had blood pressure meds quit working after a long period, my Dr. said sometimes the body builds up a tolerence to them. Have you had your blood sugar level checked lately? I was on a BP pill called Hyzaar that made me a diabetic, it has a cousin without the water pill added but I don't remember it's name.

Capt. Charlie

Moderator Emeritus
No,but he slept in a Holiday Inn Express last night.

Sorry Capt. I couldn't resist.

I was on a BP pill called Hyzaar that made me a diabetic, it has a cousin without the water pill added but I don't remember it's name.
That wouldn't happen to be hydralazine, would it?


New member
I did a Google search of Hydralazine. It mentioned something about older patients, in case it applies, that it may cause a lowering of potassium in the body.

You may want to do a search of all your medications Capt. I usually add the words "side effects" which I forgot to do this time. I do know some of them sound scary.

Capt. Charlie

Moderator Emeritus
it may cause a lowering of potassium in the body.
Thanks for taking the time to look that up, Rimrod. I drink a lot of orange juice to overcome that, so I don't think that's the problem.

My main concern is a med called Isosorbide Mononitrate. With nitrates already in my system, the thought that additional nitrates from gunsmoke might be the problem, crossed my mind.

I've worked with nitrate based explosives, especially in the service, and in closed in spaces, they would drop my pressure, causing one hell of a headache. I didn't have the headache yesterday :confused: .

Maybe Jim's right; the session was fast paced and physically taxing and we were all sweating like hell.

Still... I wonder. OJ? XavierBreath? You guys out there?


New member
Do you take any cholesterol medication, when I was on zocor my muscles felt alot like that. I ended up having to drop that medicine. I think you should speak to your doctor or cardiologist about it. It could be a reaction to a medicine or something worse like a blocked artery. I definitely don't think its the gunpowder but be agressive in finding out the cause and exercise as much as your body will allow.


New member


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New member
Charlie, if you're still alive and able to hold your head up to read this you need to go see your doctor face to face or go to the ER to get checked out. This is an internet gun board and not a medical TV reality show. There are three hundred things it could be from dehydration to a kidney infection and no way of telling here. All we can see is that your printing seems nice and black against the grey background (except for the red in your sig line).

Capt. Charlie

Moderator Emeritus
Charlie, if you're still alive and able to hold your head up to read this ...
Rumors of my early demise are greatly exaggerated, & if anything's going to kill me, it'll probably be some of you guys here on TFL :D . Truth is, I was fine the next day & back to jogging a mile, but I confess the shoulder was a little tender after 30 rounds of 12 ga. double-ought and slugs

This is an internet gun board and not a medical TV reality show.
Thanks M&M, but I think I'm aware of that ;) . I'm not looking for a medical diagnosis; I'm wanting to know if gunsmoke can affect blood pressure, or add more nitrates if your already taking them.

Trip, you'd be worse than my wife.... if I had one :D

Al Norris

Moderator Emeritus
Charlie, depending upon how and when you take your BP meds, the extra activity could cause the symptoms you described. Most likely not the unburnt nitrates from the shoot.

So says my wife. Former nurse and current lab tech. On BP meds for 2 years now. She also says that since she doesn't have a license... Go get it checked!

Capt. Charlie

Moderator Emeritus
Charlie, depending upon how and when you take your BP meds, the extra activity could cause the symptoms you described. Most likely not the unburnt nitrates from the shoot.
Thanks Al; that's exactly the kind of opinion I'm looking for, and that's entirely possible.

Go get it checked!
Well now, the team of horses they needed last time to drag me into a doctor's office ran off after the experience :D . Seriously, if it becomes more than a one-time experience, I will.... without the team of horses ;) .

I take that as a compliment!

Now do it, sir!
Trip, you're a real trip :D .

Al Norris

Moderator Emeritus
Charlie said:
Well now, the team of horses they needed last time to drag me into a doctor's office ran off after the experience.
Oh, I understand, all too well. The stories I could tell...
Seriously, if it becomes more than a one-time experience, I will.... without the team of horses.
Problem with bad tickers and high BP, is that the next time could also be the last time. But, you know this....