

New member
We get way too anal about some of this? If your std is 12/.65 , I wouldn't pass up something you like cuzz it does 11.9/.71 (180 SF) or 14/.64 (180 XTP); that .1 and .01 difference (or 83 v 88% OSS; the spread in 180/40s) is more a hobgoblin of small minds than a significant difference?

The only good thing all the ammo testing protocols are really good for is contracting decisions? Shoot, measure, score, write the check?

Then again, low bidder was even easier... <G>
Defensive ammo.

I'm thinking the first number is depth of penetration, in inches, the second number is hollowpoint bullet expansion.

In other words, he's asking how wedded you are to a specific set of penetration/expansion numbers.

I'm pretty adamant about the first number, and much less so the second.

Mal H

Ah yes! Thanks Mike. It's amazing how a few missing keywords can make a significant difference to a small mind. ;) Especially when they don't eat and breathe that stuff. I was wondering how the Office of Strategic Services entered into it when he was actually referring to one shot stops. :)


New member
Ah rekin iffen it goes whar I wants it two n plows a big deep hole, otter be jis fine wi me.
--\²/²°X E÷672d=¿


New member
Not to mention the difference in test results from one day to another, one gun to another, one lot of ammo to another...

Have seen the Speer 155 Gold Dot from 10.7-15 inches penetration and .68-.84 in expansion in bare gel. The 180 Ranger T from 11-14. The 180 Gold Dot from 11-14. The 180 Hydr-Shok from 11-14. The 180 Golden Saber form 12-16. The 180 Starfire from 11-12. Have seen the Starfire 180 get bigger and/or go deeper than the RT, GD, HS and GS after cloth... and the cheaper std JHPs do as well/better than the expensive premium stuff too.

Gotta laugh when people fork over $50 for a box of the LE only "good" stuff.

A state police agency did extensive testing and went with the Winchester 180 Ranger T. Then the 165 Ranger T. Then the 180 Gold Dot. Which failed the earlier testing. One day's turkey is another day's eagle?

Wanting nickel cases, low flash, sealed case mouths and primer pockets may make some sense, but as for the rest? Might as well flip a coin or buy low bidder IMO. Which is worth what ya paid for it.

Hit em first, hit em better, hit em often, don't give up, use something with a stock.