Nine days shy...


New member
... of six months.

Got my 4th and final SBR approval today!



New member
Congrats. Nice rifle.

Why do you have a rifle scope on an SBR? I always thought the point of an SBR was mobility and quick movements, CQB kind of thing.

Willie Lowman

New member
Probably a 0 to 4 scope. Turn it down and its like a red dot. Turn it up and you have magnification to shoot out as far as that little barrel will reach.

That's my guess.


New member
Yes, it is an illuminated 1x-4x, so at lowest setting acts as a red-dot sight.

I'm at an age where I don't have an abundance of mobility and quick movements, so I ain't running and gunning, or crawling thru the mud!

I simply like the compact aspect...which for me means it's simply easier to handle inside the house, or out in the wilds of suburbia. :D


Guess there's still hope my latest Form 4 will make it before late December deer season or at least by Jan for yotie pestering.


New member
Among some folks I know around here, my eform 1 came back quicker than their paper form 4s. One friend filed on 5/2 and 5/5... my eform1 was filed on 5/12. :confused: