

New member
A thought occurred to me last night. How many people put their handgun in or on the nightstand? I can see arguments for both, but the problem is they are equally important points.
In my nightstand. I don't have to worry about kids coming to my house as I don't have any.

When friends with kids visit, it gets locked up.

Dave Chuppa

New member
If I'm in bed my firearm is on the Nightstand next to me. If I get up it goes with me in a Robe Pocket. No worries my Dog is trained to not touch it.
"No worries my Dog is trained to not touch it."

Friend of mine lives in a split level with an open upper level floor plan. He keeps a J frame .38 by the front door. It was laying (holstered) on the floor next do the door so all you had to do was reach up and grab it, but he walked out of the kitchen a couple of weeks ago and was greeted by his large breed puppy carrying it around in her mouth.

It's now in another place.


New member

I have mine in a quick key pad safe next to the bed. The dogs haven't figure out the code yet.


On the nightstand (Colt Combat Commander in SS). No kids. Only thing in the nightstand are four loaded 8-round mags.


New member
The reason I ask is because inside offers concealment for whatever reason, but on the stand is faster, less fumbling around. Granted I have 2 Shepherds who bark if they hear leaves blowing outside which would give me advance notice if I needed to access mine. I do keep mine in the stand. Those of you who keep it inside, does it hinder your access if awakened out of a dead sleep? As stated by some, do kids factor into your location at night?


New member
Don't use a night stand, I use my pants pocket hanging on the bedpost. I can reach it, but if any grandkids try, they're going to have to climb over me.

I'm a lot more afraid of kids (not so much my grandkids as their friends) getting my gun then I am of bandits.

The only loaded gun is in my pocket, either I'm wearing my pants or its hanging on my bedpost.

The thing is, other kids like to visit and play with my GD's horses. I don't know them but believe its my responsibility to make sure they dont have access to loaded guns.


New member
Generally, have one on the nightstand. Keep it in the same place and position.

Before my wife got a new bedroom set. (Included in the cost of a Rifle) I had a holster mounted between the matress and the wall at the head of our bed. Given my sleeping position it was closer than the night stand and I could reach it and draw as I rolled out of bed.


New member
All the kids are grown and away, so the Beretta PX4 Storm (.45) sits on the nightstand. If the grands come over, it goes inside where the drawer is rigged so they can't get at it even if they do go in our off limits bedroom.


Hhmmm....Sometimes in the nightstand, seldom on the nightstand; most often under my pillow, a habit I picked up from my spouse. Of course that was when we once owned firearms.--Patrice :cool:


New member
I rather get out of bed and ...

clear the head before picking up a firearm.

They're in the bedroom only I know where. Wife's duty is the call cavalry in-bound, either land line or cell.


New member
I use a deluxe GunVault 2000 for quick access. I have programmed it with a simple three touch command that opens it in less than one second. We have four children ages 7-12...

I chose not to use biometric, because all of the videos I've seen show access to the safe that is too slow, and I have used enough in the way of biometric security to know that it doesn't always work flawlessly or on the first try.


New member
When in bed on the bed side table, when I get up it is put into a wall mounted security vault behind bedside table for the day and my day time pocket carry drops into my robe pocket till I dress for the day then into right front pocket. No children in house when grand kids are over it is already in my pocket so no loaded anywhere they can get to.


New member
I also use a Gunvault between the nightstand & bed frame.....quick access but secure enough for children not to access it....