Nightstand Stand


New member
One night about a year ago, I rolled over in my sleep and knocked my P99 off the night stand. Last month I woke to a noise and fumbled around for my gun and flashlight, and the flashlight rolled off my nightstand and fell under the bed where I couldnt find it. Since I make gun racks, I decided to try and come up with something that would prevent this from happening again. I have a minimum amount of space on my nightstand because of the lamp & clock radio, so it had to be functional, not easy to knock over, make a small footprint & be easy to find in the dark. I place it next to the lamp base, so its easy to find. This is what I came up with. Here's a couple of photos. What do you think?



New member
That's very nice...

I was going to suggest a mattress holster-type setup,only wider to hold a flashlight ring...


  • mattress holster.jpg
    mattress holster.jpg
    52.1 KB · Views: 74


New member
I'm 3rd in line if you're taking orders please.

P.S. what is that top gun (no pun intended) in the picture? I don't recognize the grip.


New member
Gun holder

Looks like a great idea.Tha only suggestion I would have is to make the flashlite holder a "V" on about a 45 degree angle. That would accomodate a variety of sizes as well as making retreival easier IMO.


New member
Yup, I think it would be better to be able to grasp the flashlight and pull it upwards. Where it is now it would be easiest to use both hands, one to push it forward and the other to grab the end. It would be tougher to access it with one hand while removing your weapon with the other. Not saying it can't be done with one, but with the likelihood that you're as good with your weak hand as I am ... perhaps making the flashlight more easily accessible would be good.


New member
pretty cool.
Mebbe add a couple of phosflourescent glow dots at the front to help you orient yourself when you wake up out of a dead sleep and have to grab it quick.


New member
Thanks for the compliments & thanks for the suggestions. Its a Walther P99 .40 in the top photo. Its not made of corian, Its made of wood. After I cut it out and assemble them, I sand them down, apply two coats of grey primer, 2 coats of Greystone finish, and finish it out with two coats of acrylic clear coat. It makes my racks look & feel like real stone. Its kinda of labor intensive, but I think I have the best quality and functional handgun racks on the market. The Nightstander2 is actually the same as some of my other gun racks, just modified slightly. K-Minus, I'll never get rich off my handgun rack designs. I've actually patented my designs and that was a pretty long & costly expense which I still have not recouped. Its a very small niche market, although there are many gun owners out there, most just put their gun in the closet and forget about it untill they need it. Its a small minority that feel about guns and firearms in general like we do, and they are more likely my customers, just wish there were more of But I enjoy woodworking just about as much as I do my guns. Jeff & Killjoy, I actually built it like you guys suggested first, but I thought it turned out strange looking and didnt take it any further than in the following photo's, let me know if you concur.


I actually put the Nightstander2 up on my website.
Thanks all for the feedback, from time to time its good to get others opinions, I appriciate it.
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New member
If I were to choose a model, I'd be much more likely to take the unfinished one simply because of the flashlight holder. I'd like it angled more upward and finished like the first one. It would look pretty normal if the flashlight holder were close to vertical like the other holder. The ONLY other suggestion that I would make would be to leave a space around the grip to make it easy to grab in the dark. Someone else mentioned a high-vis dot too.

I like the racks you have on your website, but I think this one needs to be a little less display and more use. Have you tried out the whole system in the dark yet? From a dead sleep, can you easily find everything?


New member
I perfer this one

To this one

It seems like the flashlight is more accessible. I would consider buying the first one. I just looked at your website and you do fantastic work, keep it up.


New member
could you attach a lamp to that and maybe put a clock radio in the base?

well everyone else had ideas, I figured why not add to it?


New member

I like the unfinished one with the cutouts for the flashlite but angled a little more up. I think you've got something marketable there!:D