Nighthawk Walking a Thin Line?

I just read in Feb '09 issue of Shooting Times that Nighthawk is moving into the realm of building rifles now. They've arguably been making quality 1911s in recent years and now want to step into the rifle market.

They're starting off with two series of bolt-action rifles: Nighthawk Hunter and Nighthawk Tactical. They appear to be nice rifles. Expensive for my taste, but nice. The Tactical was starting to get my attention while reading the article. Then, my stomach turned over and I'm sure my face went pale white...

They stated that they have two different vendors to manufacture their stocks. One is Manners Composite. The other? H.S. Precision.

Now I know there's some bad blood with this company and fellow gunowners. What are your thoughts on giving your hard earned money to Nighthawk after reading this tidbit of information?
Why would a young company take the risk like this? Maybe because there's not enough gunowners that care enough to boycott their products since, after all, they make a good product?

I just see more and more rationalization and excuse giving of these types of companies to exist rather than stop giving our money to them and let their doors shut permanently.

Bart Noir

New member
I'm going into my faulty memory cells here, but I believe that I read in the last 3 weeks, that Nighthawk is ceasing the building of 1911 pistols.

That is so they can build AR style weapons. Has anybody else noticed that there seems to be a stong market for those? :cool:

Bart Noir


New member
Remember that there is always a lag time for stuff to start out, its very probable that Nighthawk sourced their stocks from HSP long before the current ruckus started. Remember that catalog was a 2008 catalog printed in 07 and it took until december of 08 before anyone caught it

IF all you did was work face to face, it might happen that one never saw the catalog and the letter until someone else brought it to their attention.

Years ago, we hired a contractor to sub kitchen installs, it wasn't for sometime until someone brought it to my attention that they were run by a fundamentalist sect that some people thought was bothersome. I had no idea, I just knew they showed up on time and were sober. Sometimes the private side or print side of a company is not what you think.


I have never had the need of one of their products, but if the need would arise, I would not select their product. I have a friend that has a Remington with a HSP stock that I believe was bought prior to the Ruby Ridge incident.