Nighthawk Tactical GRP


New member
I just rented one because it's like hey try this $2300 1911....and I dont know what think of it. It was compeletly solid steel, heavy and well build, no malfunctions no jams or hangups. I'm no stranger to 1911 types... and It's fair to say I shoot them on par... but with this one at 21 feet I could not get it where I wanted it to go... They barely even grouped up.

But this was also after putting 500 22s downrange, maybe I was zoning out. I'm no pistol expert or IDPA shooter, but I expected better...

Is it me? It's gotta be me right?Sure rental guns are abused and probably not cleaned as much as they should be but come on..this has got to be me right?


New member
Actually, looking at a diagnostic target, I was tightening while pulling the trigger I do remember happpening IT WAS ME

It was a big gun, and I had gloves on, when I took them off it got better


New member
i was going to say, im sure it was you unless the sights were off a good bit. They are great 1911's and extremely accurate


New member
If I'm firing for any kind of accuracy, I usually quit after 125 to 150 rounds. I just find the accuracy starts to go a bit. Now, if I'm just blastin' for fun, it's about the money. :)