Nightforce or Leupold

Any .45

New member
Looking for some insight on which tactical scope to purchase for my next Tactical Rifle purchase. Whether a Nightforce NXS 5.5-22x50 illuminated or the Leupold MK4 6.5-20x50 LR/T M1 illuminated. I just want to hear some real world reviews; durabaility, ruggedness, reticle quality, things of that nature. Any help would be appreciated, thank you in advance.


New member
The Nightforce has better optical quality. All other factors are close, though I would say the Nightforce is probably a bit more rugged. You will pay less for the Leupold, but brand new Leupold Mark IV scopes are starting to approach the price of Nightforce scopes. If price isn't a factor, I'd take the Nightforce everytime, unless you prefer First Focal Plane reticles, which would exclude the Nightforce.


New member
You probably wont find those kinds of reviews on this website. You're better off checking out and asking there.

That being said, you can't go wrong with either, but i'd probably get the leupold. It's almost the standard now for law enforcement and sniper rifles.

I use a mk 4.5-14 on my sniper rifle. It's just the right amount of power. I had an 8.5 but i found it to be overkill for what i was doing. Especially when you figure longest shot a sniper made to kill a suspect in PA (my state) was like 180 yards. Most are 75.