Nightcrawler et al... about Michigan...


New member
I just checked into the handgun purchase deal...

you STILL must register them, BUT, a 5 buck permit is NO LONGER NEEDED if you have a CCW...

there is a little white "3 page" self-copying form, that your local LEO office or Sherriffs office GIVES you (for free) that you fill oput, and give the back 2 sheets to the SELLER... he then sends the back sheet to the state, saying the gun was sold...

SELLER is responsible for that...

then the BUYEr (CCW holder) takes the gun in in a "reasonable" time to register it...

I got a few of these cards to keep with me... it is FAR easier to buy handguns now...

I'd STILL like to see handgun registration done away with here in MI, but this IS a start!

P.S., Nightcrawler, Cooley Law School in Lansing is one of the best... you OUGHTTA go there! (I MAY be biased, since my Mom and Sis are BOTH graduates...)


New member
"then the BUYEr (CCW holder) takes the gun in in a "reasonable" time to register it..."
"I'd STILL like to see handgun registration done away with here in MI, but this IS a start!"

Safety Inspection!
Michigan doesn't have "registration" :barf: it's a safety inspection.:rolleyes: