Night Lights


New member
I haven't seen anyone suggest this as a way to identify who it may be in your home, and whether or not they are armed. I have light sensitive LED night lights in my apartment for the times my GF or I must get up in the night without having to turn on lights to take of our little girl. And I noticed how well I can see. I feel this makes an exellent way to ID anyone who may be stumbling around, and were it a perp, whether they are armed. This could definately reduce the chance for misidentification, as well as shooting a non threatening burglar. No need for a flashlight or turning on an interior light, which may give away your location and advantage. Hope this helps.


New member
I've always advocated nightlights for threat ID. They make more sense than gun mounted flashlights IMO. They don't identify your location. They are not battery dependent. No switch to fumble with.


New member
Our bedroom is pitch black, absolutely dark, . . . only a small bit of ambient light comes in from moon or other sources. You cannot detect movement in the bedroom as you stand in either doorway.

That said, . . . all the rest of the house has a number of night lights strategically placed to light up the place well enough to notice anyone prowling in the other rooms, . . . without having to go into the rooms.

Works for me, . . . but I do also like an idea I saw on another thread, a hallway motion sensor that rings in the bedroom, . . . just may have to get one of those.

May God bless,


New member
I like having a dark place at night. To me a night light is too bright, especially if I could see the bulb directly. Even the hooded ones light up the place too much for me.

I went to Wal-Mart and picked up some flat "electroluminescent" night lights. These aren't so much lights as glow panels--they don't cast much of a direct beam but just kind of indirectly light up the area. You can look directly at them and not lose your night vision, but they'll still silhouette your furniture and anyone walking near them. Great to use in a place whose layout you already know.

I put one at each end of the main room to my apartment where my door is. They use just a few cents of electricity a year, and are a nice cool green instead of a harsh yellow.



New member
We've got night lights all over the house. As I grow older, I seem to need them to help me keep from stumbling, and the wife's RA demands that she be able to see when she gets up. We don't seem to need one in the bedroom, but the one in the bathroom lights up the hallway enough to see where you're going. There's one also in the living room, and our coffeemaker serves as one for the kitchen.


New member
I've got two of the electroluminescent ones in the main room, they give about 75% coverage, no way to get any better without moving furniture to inconvenient places and I'm out of sockets :( I've got some motion sensitive LED ones in each bathroom and the laundry room (for the cats to use their box at night) and one on the switched outlet in the bedroom.