Night Clubs and Carrying


New member
A lot of people here carry 24-7. I am curious to know how you handle the issue of carrying in bars/night clubs.

Do you drop off the weapon at home prior to going out? Do you lock it in the car? Do you carry anyway and just not drink? Do you avoid going to these places altogether b/c you can't carry there?


New member
Don't have my carry license yet, but in MS you aren't allowed to carry in any establishment that serves alcohol. I guess I'll be locking it in the vehichle, not the ideal solution but probably the best of the choices I have.


New member
Guns and booze don't mix. Leave it at home. When my fellow officers and I go out for a night on the town we leave our heat at the station or at home. No sense asking for trouble. Besides it makes it kinda hard to busta move when you're strapped. :)

Even PDs or other agencies that require their officers/agents to pack 24/7 make an exception for alcohol consumption.

Peace Out!
"32 All"


New member
Can't carry guns in bars or nightclubs in Florida. However, not all bars are really bars. Some places that have a bar and serve food are really restaurants (mainly for insurance reasons). I'll carry there, as long as I'm not drinking.

When at bars, I usually leave the gun I'm carrying in the car. Especially if I know I'm going to be drinking. Then again, I don't drive when I know I'm going to be drinking, so that makes it very easy.


New member
I try not to carry if I know I'm gonna go drinking. In Texas you can't carry in an establishment that, A is not posted to prohibit it and B if there is a red 51 posted on the door or in the lobby. This means that 51% of their income comes from the sale of booze and is more or less considered a Bar. You will also lose your CCW here if stopped while carrying and are DUI/DWI/Public intoxicated.

[This message has been edited by Gopher (edited September 08, 2000).]


New member
As I am married and have a young child, going to night clubs isn't an option anymore. I usually don't go to bars either---any drinking I do is in places like Bennigans or Applebees, restaurants that also serve liquor. On those rare occasions when I plan on having more than one drink or so, I let my wife or one of my buds drive and leave my gun in the car.

Jay Baker

New member
When my wife and I go out to eat, it's to various restaurants with bars. I ordinarily don't have but one drink before dinner. In Idaho, I'm still legal to carry, where alcohol is served. I just don't booze it up. If I want more than one drink, I have them at home.

In Idaho, you may carry with a CCW, in a bar... but you had damned sure better not get into any trouble, and if you get loaded, and caught with a gun, you'll not only end up in jail, but lose your CCW.

I know several guys who go to bars, packing heat... but they restrict their booze. Ordinarily, these are guys who are meeting someone for a business drink.

I love Idaho. J.B.

Jeff Thomas

New member
IMHO, this is an area that is ripe for a 'sunshine gun law'.

From my perspective, there shouldn't be a prohibition on CCW in such an establishment. At most, there should only be a prohibition against excessive alcohol consumption while carrying. After all, that is the concern, if you believe the rhetoric.

Regards from AZ


New member
Last trip to a local club left me with a large, sharp knife -- but no gun.

But I accepted it.. as drinking heavily and a little bump-n-grind made me forget about not being armed in a rather quick fasion. :D

God, Guns and Guts made this country a great country!

oberkommando sez:
"We lost the first and third and now they are after the Second!(no pun intended)"


New member
I avoid the clubs with metal detectors.

Pocket carry makes carry easier in "close quarters" with others.


Justin T. Huang, Esq.
late of Kennett Square, Pennsylvania

ohen cepel

New member
I seldom go to "nightclubs". However, I don't carry anytime I'm drinking. You'll have trouble in most shootings and if you're drunk I think it will be much worse.
Besides, I don't like people getting as close to me as they would in a club if I was packing.
I wouldn't do it.

He who dares wins.
NRA Life Memeber


New member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by RWK:
Never drink and carry![/quote]

This shows the problem with absolutes. I see no problem at all with carrying if I am having one drink with dinner at a restaurant. A better general rule would be: "If you wouldn't be legal to drive, don't carry."


Staff Alumnus
If I drink, I don't carry. If that's the case, one of my buddies will be carrying. He/she then is the designated carrier ;)


Staff Alumnus
Club Soda and bitters in a rocks glass with a lime.. looks like booze but isn't. Works well on designated driver nights too.


New member
I don't drink, period. Just make sure the IWB holster is held tight, and be aware of getting bumped on that side. NY has no related laws. No problem.

"Don't go to parties with metal detectors. Sure it fells safe inside but what about all those mf's waitin outside wit guns - they know you ain't got one!" - Chris Rock


New member
Strangly enough I just had this conversation with a friend about an hour ago.

I don't drink and pack.
Utah allows for legal firearms in places that serve alcohol, however there is a PUI law (Packing Under the Influence). If I'm the driver then I downsize to a NAA mini in my front pocket. I have a real hard time busting a move with a IWB or a Strongside Holster. Fortunetly I don't dance often
(or well) when I'm sober. Some clubs have a "No Weapons" sign at the front door but those are unenforceable under current Utah law. Strangely enough, those are also the clubs one needs to carry the most in. Damn Sheep

Go Ugly Early.

AD HOMINEM; Helping Morons argue since 1549!!!


<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by RikWriter: ... I see no problem at all with carrying if I am having one drink with dinner at a restaurant ...[/quote]Even one drink can have an adverse effect on your shooting (not to mention your judgement) ability.

There was a range in NJ that got you drunk while you were shooting. The owner lost hhis FFL and closed the place down before I had a chance to try it out myself but this is how it was explained to me ...

You would shoot off several targets to get a base-line score dropping the highest & lowest and averaging out the rest. You would then have one drink, wait 10-15 minutes and fire again. EVERYBODY's second score was always lower than their first score -- some only marginally while others significantly.

This was continued several times until the shooters were either drunk or could not longer hit the target while initially they were posting almost perfect scores. It was a real eye opener for those that attended. I would have liked to try it out but, as I said, they closed down and I now no longer drink.