Nifty Gifties - The best gun stuff you were ever given


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We all know that there's nothing as sweet as the feel of a new gun. It just so happens that the one thing sweeter is a new gun for free. I was buying my brother some Trijicons for his Glock 22 today (I know, hiss hiss Glock, hiss hiss him not having them already with those craptastic plastic sights, but as a poor-as-dirt college kid it was a pretty nice gift), and I got to thinking about gun gifts.

My best gun gift is one of the two guns I have, the PX4 in my sig from my dad on my 20th birthday.

What is the best gun gift you were ever given, one that automatically made you love the giver 5-10% more? Optics, rifles, pistols, what one really made that holiday something special?


New member
To this day the first was still the best and most memorable.......

Christmas 1983 my grandfather gave me a brand new Marlin Model 60.

Still have it and will until I leave this earth. Then one of my 2 kids can have it. The other one gets the H&R .410 I got the next Christmas.


New member
Similar here... B-day either in 1986 or 1987, got my 77/22 as a gift from my father... first real gun I ever owned. Still have it, of course. Great .22.
my family generally does not like guns:(
I received a Police positive in 38 S&W from my grandfather. The trigger is GREAT, the cartridge not so much. My Grandma said it was a 38 spl, so I had a bit of a let down when it was 38 S&W. It took me a couple of weeks to dig up some cartridges to shoot. Not concealable, not really a woodsgun, too I still haven't figured out what I am going to do with it, but I guess it wins.

Oh I almost forgot. Same grandfather left me a 12ga rolling block single shotgun. Not from a fancy manufacturer or anything and I don't think it is suitable to shoot, but that gun is pretty cool.
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New member
A good friend was moving from his house to an assisted living place, his family was there, I was just providing the truck, we were all done when the family said empty the gun closet, so I did, and they said, thanks for all your work, good night.........

B. Lahey

New member
The minty 1st-model Colt Woodsman Match Target and the 4" pre-27 S&W .357 are probably tied for most awesome gift I have received.

Shadi Khalil

New member
One of the ex's bought me my first handgun. Sure it was a Taurus but it was a gun non the less. My current GF bought me a range bag that I love and knows what to do for all future gift based holidays.
My grandpa gave me a pre 64 model 70 that was rechambered from .300 H&H to .300 weatherby Mag by Roy Weatherby himself in 1955... It has taken around 40 elk and some 70+ deer... Still shoots like a dream but does she ever kick:eek:....


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My father gave me his Winchester Model 69A when I turned 12. It was the rifle he learned to shoot with and the one he used to teach me. I still have that rifle and it has been one of my favorite .22s over the many years I've owned it. Dad's no longer with us, but his rifle is. Not exactly a semi auto pistol, but then dad never owned a semi auto.


New member
I can't wait to present my Wife her Glock 27 and my Dad his Beretta 96...I know they're both used, but it'll be happy days for both of them :)

My Dad probably hasn't been gifted a gun in decades-I'm just as excited to give it to him as he will be to receive it. My Wife on the other hand, this will actually be the second handgun I've given to her.

I can't wait :D


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Way back when I was 6 my father and grandfather...took me out in the snow on Christmas day. We went all the way to the back pasture (where we would shoot and do target practice...) There on the bench sat a Stevens 22-.410 over and under. That I believe started me on my love affair with firearms. I still have it.

But my favorite gun gift of all time is an old saddle rifle, it is a winchester from 1892. That is the best of all time... Had a gentle man at the range offer me $8k for it before I even took it out of the scabbard...


Active member
Hmmm, good question. I don't generally get gun stuff as gifts. Dad doesn't have any guns and mom pretty much dislikes all guns. But, on one occasion my mother somehow happenend across an old revolver and bought it for me. She didn't know anything about it. It turned out to be a nice original Remington 1858 .44 in good working condition. All parts were original except the cylinder pin, which someone had replaced with a hand-made cylinder pin. I have since purchased a replica cylinder pin which fits perfectly and looks pretty good - if I could figure out how to age it some, it would look perfect. Still looking for an original pin and I wouldn't mind having an extra cylinder for it as well.


New member
I bought me a Glock 27 for my 50th birthday. Does that count?

Not really, I guess.

I did get a Walker Colt replica for an anniversary once....


New member
2,000 small pistol primers given to me recently!

Before that, my first REAL set of gunsmithing screwdrivers was a gift from a friend. (That's when I learned -why- you use real gunsmithing screwdrivers not regular "general purpose" ones).