NICS Registration????


Moderator Emeritus
You're darned right it's registration!

They're allowed to keep the info for a certain amount of time for "auditing purposes" and then they are required to destroy it.

I can't believe that they really delete all that useful information. Can you?

Didn't think so.


New member
Even without NICS we have registration. Just look at the 4473 form. Serial number, make, model, your name and address.

A convenient audit or raid from the ATF gives them the information they need. As far as I know there is no legal limitation on how long or how much information that they can keep.

Bob Locke

New member

The BATF is required, under the Brady Law, to destroy those files after a 60-day audit period has passed.

They don't get rid of ANYTHING, and anyone who says otherwise is a liar or a fool.

Brett Bellmore

New member
Bob: Maybe I'm stupid, but where does it say in the Brady law that they can keep the records for 60 days for audit purposes? That's the government's position, or was under Clinton, but I really don't think it was in the law anyplace.


New member
I'm an FFL. I had to register as a dealer in order to conduct a NICS check. Thats the "registration" they are referring to on that site. A NICS check indicates information about you as an individual and the number and type of firearms you are purchasing. One can argue whether that is registration if the Feds keep the info.