NICS check...was yours delayed?

Was your NICS check delayed?

  • Yes

    Votes: 11 20.8%
  • No

    Votes: 42 79.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


New member
I have purchased two rifles and neither have been delayed during the NICs check. Are you experiencing this in Louisville KY now? Hope you made it to the National Gun Day show. It is absolutely one of the best gun shows in the country.


New member
Nope, the closest I ever came to getting a delay is the dude at the gun store ran three of us at a time. There really wasnt a delay. It probably would have taken longer if he made three seperate phone calls. Did effect me I was searching the reloading aisle looking for components.

Shadi Khalil

New member
What kind of delay was it? A couple hours? A few days? Are they required to give an explanation?

I see your in KY now, did you just move there?

chris in va

New member
Yup, just moved to KY. The counter guy said there's a lot of delays happening lately, thought I'd ask on here as well.

Example, a guy lives here in KY but has to work in TX for some sort of .gov federal job. He's bought three handguns before, no problems. Came back to KY over a weekend and tried to get a 22 rifle for his son.

The NICS delayed him 30 days. He came back, it was two days over the delay limit...had to fill it out again. Got delayed again.


New member
6Just bought a HS Sport King on Sat. No delay at all.
A student in class yesterday said he is always delayed 3 days! always, ever since the system started. He asked if he should check into this and I didn't have an answer for him. Anyone have advise? Or is it best to not stir murky waters?

Superhouse 15

New member

At the shop where I work, there havent been any less approvals or delays, but I spent over 30 minutes on hold waiting for an operator on Saturday, and the average is over 20 minutes.


New member
I was delayed for the first time Friday. I waited 2 hours, so I came back the next day and it had gone through. I bought one on a Friday a month ago and it went through like normal in less than 15 mins.


New member
I've been delayed every other time for the past 6 or 7 years. The last time was in January.

Business is booming I suppose.

Nevermind, Virginia is handled by the State Police system, whatever it's called.



Nevermind, Virginia is handled by the State Police system, whatever it's called.

The VA State Police uses the Virginia Firearms Transaction Program (VFTP) which is linked electronically to access criminal records and the "wanted" databases at the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) and the Virginia Criminal Records Exchange (CCRE) and provides an instantaneous approval or disapproval decision to the firearms dealer concerning the firearms sale or transfer. The NCIC is maintained by the FBI.


New member
I moved to Louisville about 18 months ago and have gotten a delay every time I have purchased a new gun. They always call me back two days later to come pick up my gun. It's a PITA but not much I can do about it.

I don't think the move to Louisville is what causes my delays though.